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Comment Re:Javascript required? (Score 1) 161

...and it confuses the hell out of a lot of people who don't understand what javascript is. "I just want to see the webpage"

Rather than trying to get people using what is frankly an arcane and imprecise tool, we would be better off removing the incentive which makes data theft valuable. This then becomes and economic and social problem rather than technical. there are few situations where the latter can be solved well with the former

Comment Re:Subsidies inflate pricing. (Score 1) 1797

And what's the flip side?

Traditional financing. You finance a car, a house, a TV, why not an education?

This puts college education back in the private sector (that is, without government meddling). Let the market decide.

why would that help things? the problem with letting the market decide, is of course it advantages those who will do well in the market. and you know who those are? yeah, rich people. markets revolve around money, so having money will let you control them.

and being down on "government meddling", then suggesting "market meddling" is kind of confusing. why would the market be any better at regulating/providing than the government?

this is ideology, plain and simple. no analysis of whether it's good for HUMANS, only an appeal to an abstract set of relations we call 'the market'. didn't this all go wrong in 1929, with reliance on pure market forms? and several other times before and since?

also, education is a public good, it adds to society through the generation of knowledge which all can use and benefit from. an individual owning a car doesn't benefit society in the same way, in fact I'd argue it significantly detracts from society. society gains, so society pays

instead of letting the market decide what's good for people, how about we let people decide what's good for people? it's called democracy

Comment are you sure you're asking the right question? (Score 1, Insightful) 312

you're going travelling, to experience new cultures, people and ideas

put down the computer; the world won't end if you can't access slashdot and your email for a few months

i'm sure there are many ways to get around not having internet access - use phone banking, get your bank to automatically pay off your c card, use internet cafes for email (if you really must), or use a phone to call people.

why on earth you feel a need to access your investment account from the depths of south america, i'm not sure.

Comment Re:Not environmental costs, think cost of lost liv (Score 1) 740

perversely to what you would think, less-safe cars encourage safer driving, so REDUCING crashes

when drivers are concerned about what will happen if they crash, they tend to drive more slowly, leave a bigger gap in front, and generally behave themselves. similar trends happen when drivers don't wear seatbelts, etc.

look up any risk research by John Adams for more information


Researchers Claim To Be Able To Determine Political Leaning By How Messy You Are 592

According to a study to be published in The Journal of Political Psychology, you can tell someone's political affiliation by looking at the condition of their offices and bedrooms. Conservatives tend to be neat and liberals love a mess. Researchers found that the bedrooms and offices of liberals tend to be colorful and full of books about travel, ethnicity, feminism and music, along with music CDs covering folk, classic and modern rock, as well as art supplies, movie tickets and travel memorabilia. Their conservative contemporaries, on the other hand, tend to surround themselves with calendars, postage stamps, laundry baskets, irons and sewing materials. Their bedrooms and offices are well lit and decorated with sports paraphernalia and flags — especially American ones. Sam Gosling, an associate professor of psychology at the University of Texas at Austin, says these room cues are "behavioral residue." The findings are just the latest in a series of recent attempts to unearth politics in personality, the brain and DNA. I, for one, support a woman's right to clean.

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