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Comment Re:Yay! (Score 1) 440

The recent leak of diplomatic cables offers more evidence that the USA does not seem to respect it's allies. Like what? You really think France or Germany would attack the USA? Not in 1000 years. Most of Europe is not the military, war-waging type. I have a hard time imagining how the USA can justify spying on these countries and their officials. If even the closest allies of the USA are treated with so little trust and respect, then I'm not certain any country can fully trust the USA.

Do you really think that other countries are not doing the same to the US and everyone else? Of course they are. Their cables just haven't been leaked yet.

As far as Europe being all peaceful, present-day Europe has been mostly peaceful, except for some regional wars in the Balkans recently. But prior to the cold war, Europe was nothing but wars going back to the Roman empire and beyond. Even during the cold war, NATO was predicated on the assumption that Europe would again be a battleground, and would need defense. Current events make Europe look peaceful. History, not so much.

Technological superiority, be it military or otherwise, is a race held on a treadmill. Standing still isn't an option. Railguns might buy us 5, 10, 20, maybe 30 years until someone else invents their own (or steals ours), much like stealth fighters, which are now in various stages of making their way into the arsenals of potential opponents around the world.

Comment Re:Simple, same as (Score 1) 361

Some perspective is needed here. Note that I said "perspective", not "denial and defense". The Japanese internment camps did not feature Zyklon B and gas ovens. What happened wasn't right by a long shot, but it isn't even in the same league as the Nazi purges. "All men are created equal" didn't have the same meaning then as it does now, because at the time it was intended as a rejection of the presumption that nobility were inherently superior to commoners, not a declaration of universal suffrage. It's true that in order to have the right to vote one had to be a land-owning white man, but generally, Constitutional protections covered all non-slaves.

"Biggest cunt in a suit" comes dangerously close to invoking a mandatory Rule 34 google search.

Comment Re:I disagree (Score 1) 1018

If the documents only harmed the $evil_guys_in_power, that would be one thing. But a mass release of diplomatic cables damages far more than just those at the top. It risks exposing confidential sources to those who would kill them. Ironic, considering Wikileaks' own reliance on confidential sources, and the need to protect sources from harm, don't you think?

In the case of China, the US, and North Korea, it could further destabilize a situation that is tenuous at best. North Korea has something like 10,000 mortars (which it apparently has no qualms about using) aimed at the heart of Seoul and its 12 million people. Can you imagine the carnage and suffering on both sides if things go from bad to worse? Assange and his supporters can say whatever they want, but the fact is that they have no way of knowing how much bad shit could happen because of the release. They are fucking with things beyond their knowledge and control, and are in over their heads.

You know what? If Assange had a cable that said "Hey, I just personally blew the head off a civilian I suspected of terrorism, signed, GW Bush" and published it, I'd be okay with that. Find some true evil and expose it. That's what Wikileaks is all about, right? Instead, he released information that isn't a big pile of $evidence_of_evil, it's just a collection of stuff that some other guy (with an anti-US-govt bias) stole. If what I read in the news is correct, it doesn't even have a big "US is teh evil" smoking gun. Of course, it does make it harder for our diplomats to do their jobs, because now the guys who talk to China, the Saudis, and others around the world have to convince them that their private chat won't end up on the front page.

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