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Journal Journal: As a conservative, I take full responsibility for ebola 10

Liberals’ new message: You know who is responsible for Ebola outbreak in America? Conservatives
Never mind that I really don't actually wish harm to anyone; have vulnerable children; understand that ebola is likely to hurt the half of the economy still working, and not the couch potatoes. Oh no. The Holy Narrative must be protected. So, dutifull
User Journal

Journal Journal: Abject moron claims control over 1/26th of the alphabet 40

You have to enjoy the full context of this cranial rectalitis:
damn_registrars: "You were one of slashdot's foremost purveyors of President Lawnchair's pointless TLA"
me: "FDR, LBJ, BHO, WTF?"
d_r: "We have had the discussion before on why that argument holds no water. Bringing it back up is pointless. Take your fear mongering to a different discussion."
me: "That argument, and the rest of my post, is tho

Comment Re:What happens with no ID? (Score 1) 124

You see this confusion with Voter ID laws too. Every state these days has an official non-driver's photo ID, sometimes called a "drinker's license". They're usually less than $10 - the real cost is showing up to be photographed and present whatever records are required.

You can also use a passport card as an ID when flying - I've done that before. I always carry my passport card separate from my wallet when I travel, just in case.

Comment Study summary (Score 4, Insightful) 610

Wind was cheaper if you added costs to coal for Global Warming (a large cost), for depletion of energy resources (a medium cost), and in the third category (a small cost even when all elements are totaled) "human toxicity, agricultural land occupation, water depletion, metal depletion, ecosystem toxicity, radiation, acidification and eutrophication."

Interestingly, they also included ozone depletion as an external cost. I didn't realize the ozone layer was affected by coal plants, but apparently it is.

To calculate the damage caused by Global Warming, they relied on some other papers published on the topic. I wasn't able to access those papers, so that is where my summary will end.

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This restaurant was advertising breakfast any time. So I ordered french toast in the renaissance. - Steven Wright, comedian
