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Comment Re:I'm gonna miss yellowstone.. (Score 1) 451

That is a very good point. I have always wondered about that with Nuclear that if the knowledge was somehow lost regarding the need to proactively contain nuclear waste, this waste could eventually end up causing widespread environmental disaster and actually the DNA destruction of life itself. Nuclear waste, what makes it particularly horrific is the radiation literally blasts DNA to peices, no life will survive that.

part of the reason the US wanted to store this stuff in a central location was that by putting it all in one spot it is much easier to maintain and monitor, and if it did leak the mess would be centralised at one place. The abondment of the plan to store it there was nothing more than political posturing as it is far more dangerous to leave the stuff where it is now.

You are so incredibly wrong that it's not really possible to explain to you without taking a few books worth of words. But to start with everything you seem to know about molecular biology, radioactivity and nuclear waste is more or less wrong.

Comment Re:The comment may also be complex.. (Score 1) 660

You're working on biased data. All of the Roman stuff still standing is grossly overspecced. Everything they did not overspec has fallen apart by now. We could build to last as long if we wanted to, it is merely that we choose not to (because it would be more expensive - this may not be a good choice, but it would be difficult to convince the accountants of that). It is our knowledge of physics that lets us decide how sturdy we want to build.

Comment Re:Well (Score 1) 255

Congratulations, you reclassified most objects in the solar system as planets. For example, consider any comet. What's it in orbit around? How does that differ from Pluto, since you're only considering which other object it's in orbit around?

Comment Re:Not So Bad (Score 1) 277

Functional purity makes I/O a major mess. Monads are complex, unintuitive and unwieldy. I think I spent over one month only trying to warp my mind around that. It does not help that Haskellers keep repeating that "monads are really simple", there is a reason why they are the most asked-about topic in newsgroups.

I'm suspecting that's because they really are quite simple. You can think of monads in general as a way to formally define types of computation that may have a context in which they operate. There're error monads like Maybe, where the computation may fail at a step, aborting the rest of the computation. State monads like State, where the computation has access to implicit state. Non-determinism in List, which computes all possible results. And IO, which is a bit like a state monad where your state is the whole of the rest of the world.
Try reading Real World Haskell? The text is available online.

The worst thing is the Haskell community's coding standards. Single-letter variables are common, and I actually read some delirious rant about this being necessary "because it's so abstract you cannot name it". If it's so abstract you cannot name it, you abstracted too much, or you don't understand what you are doing. There seems to be a proliferation of operators, since Haskell foolishly allows to define new ones, even completely useless ones like $. Coding function with undocumented one-liners seems to be considered a virtue.

OK. Let's take the simple example of map:
-- | Gives the list obtained by applying the given function to each element of the given list.
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map f (e:es) = f e : map f es
map _ [] = []

What longer variable names would you use there and would those really make it more understandable?

Presence of one-letter variable names generally indicates that the function doesn't care about the internal details of the value in that variable. That could be due to either the function being polymoprhic (where it can't access the internals) or operating on simple types like numbers (where there are no internal details to care about).

$ is occasionally handy when creating a partial application. For example:
fs :: [a -> b]
v :: a
map ($ v) fs

That's in addition to cutting out extra parens when you're applying multiple functions:
f1 (f2 (f3 (f4 v)))
f1 $ f2 $ f3 $ f4 v

One of the places where custom operators are very usefull is with combinator libraries. Making the most commonly used low-level combinators operators helps keep the code using the combinators reasonably short and thus more readable than if they were bloodyLongNamesFullySpelledOut.

Comment Re:The question is wrong. Let Iranians figure it o (Score 1) 541

The situations are largely different in Iran currently vs America during the independence. And there is also the very important matter of US having interfered with Iran before, with negative consequences for the people in general. So interfering in favor of the opposition would pretty much kill their support from the general public - in Iran, US-backing means US-puppet and they have no reason to believe it would be different this time. Hell, probably the best way for US to support the opposition would be to declare support for the government, though how you'd do that and still be believable I have no idea.

Comment Re:DRM (Score 1) 417

The duration has been retroactively extended whenever any works are about to fall out of scope. So it effectively never ends. Moreover, even if the duration were not to be extended anymore, from the point of an actual human it never ends, since the duration is longer than a human lifetime already.

Comment Re:Good News For Once (Score 3, Insightful) 195

The problem with that attitude is that by the time you can start the process of removing a bad law, it's already done damage. I'd prefer the approach where the stupidity isn't allowed to happen in the first place - no-one gets hurt and less resources are spent.

Also, if a law has no effect, then IMO it should be gotten rid of. It will still cause unnecessary overhead by having to be checked for effect in potentially related cases.

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