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Comment Re:what? (Score 1) 513

In a restaurant, I can ask my waitress to tell you to STFU. If she fails to, I can (and will) walk out.

And in an airplane, I can ask the cabin crew to tell you to STFU. The cabin crew will, because they would rather shut down an asshole on the phone than deal with a planeload of pissed off passengers. And the cellphone user will comply once a few assholes are fined $25,000. http://www.faa.gov/data_research/passengers_cargo/unruly_passengers/

Comment Re:Is it working? (Score 1) 520

In a supposedly free country? No, of course we shouldn't ban it. Mandate that any product containing trans fat be labeled as such, and with appropriate health warnings (like they do on tobacco products), but outright bans of things we can only use to harm ourselves is anathema to liberty.

Mandate that any product containing cyanide be labeled as such, and with appropriate health warnings (like they do on tobacco products), but outright bans of things we can only use to harm ourselves is anathema to liberty.

Comment Re:strip (Score 1) 467

Often times, there is subtle meaning. For example, I might decide to always use the same phrase in certain contexts, giving a very subtle hint to the reader which things are alike and which ones are different. One he might not even notice consciously.

"you are in a maze of twisty passages"?

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