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Comment Re:What the hell is wrong with Millennials?! (Score 3, Insightful) 465

To make it a fair comparison, you must move the time window such that the oldest boomers alive are the same age as the oldest millenials are now. That makes it the late 70s at earliest.

In the late 70s, the World Wide Web did not exist yet, and would continue to not exist for a decade.

The Internet was invented by the generation before them, and it was not yet all that important.

If you want to do intergenerational comparisons, you need to do one of three things:

1. Wait ~50 years.
2. Restrict yourself to the world as it existed when the oldest Boomer was in their early 30s (even if they already a great thing, it must be recognized as a great thing).
3. State your values clearly so we can know what defines "improvement of America".

I don't find Barack Obama particularly damning as a Presidential choice (it's not like he was a big drop-off from the last guy). You obviously don't value social media, which is kind of interesting actually, given that:

- In my experience things like facebook are more widely appreciated by the older generations than by the Millenials.
- Web forums, including slashdot, are social media. Forums were invented at the tail end of the pre-millenial generation, so you get a bye on using social media to complain about social media's worthlessness, but what makes you like forums but dislike others? What is the essential difference that makes the latter worthless?

why again do we have to let men who "feel like" women into the lady's room?!)

This is not a new issue; this is not a Millenial invention.

They've destroyed traditional cultural norms.

First: so what?

Second: literally every generation ever has done that. The US had a cultural norm that slavery was okay, and it was later replaced by a norm that slavery was abhorrent.

Note: I'm not an American so I have no horse in the "who improved America most" race.

Comment Re:Externality--tax it! (Score 1) 176

Everything ends up hitting poor people though. That's the problem with poverty.

If you just outright banned dirty gas, prices would rise and that disproportionately impacts the poor.

If you just outright allow whatever to happen, then health costs will rise and will disproportionately impact the poor.

Poverty means everything impacts you disproportionately, including inaction. Money provides cushioning.

Is there a way we can attempt to solve this problem in a way that is not overly onerous on the poor? Instead of just deciding not to do anything?

Comment Re:One good turn... (Score 2) 235

You're thinking of net income. Median net worth is closer to $81k (as of 2014), and the mean considerably higher than the GP's estimate.


Regardless though, there's a huge problem here where there is an assumption that the total charitable contributions of this guy in his lifetime is encompassed by one charity auction purchase.

Comment Re:Welcome to the Actual Universe (Score 1) 334

But regardless of how fast you travel, you still can't go back in time.

Just pull the same trick again, now that you're far away, and the distant observer is *past you*. Now you're talking to yourself in the past. Then actually go to past you. Keep doing the trick as you approach to make your past self observe you in a causality violating way.

Even if you got there instantaneously, you would still be there right now, and never before now.

This is a vacuous statement. The word "now" doesn't have a global meaning in this context. Simultaneity does not exist in an absolute sense -- going there "instantly" can't possibly mean you're there "right now" because "right now" is a property of your current position, and you just said that you changed position.

The light that we see is not the event itself, it's simply how we perceive it.

It's not about the light itself. Information propagates at the same speed as light does. In other words, central to the theory of relativity is the idea that *the actual event* propagates at the speed of light, not just our perception of such. This is why the word "now" is ill-defined in relativistic terms, and simultaneity does not exist.


Comment Re:Paradoxes Be Damned (Score 1) 334

No, you missed the other part about the lightspeed barrier being overcome. If you can overcome it, then either humans are the first to ever overcome the lightspeed barrier, or we never do, or there is a gigantic coincidence where two species evolve exactly in sync to the scale of mere hundreds of years, despite having billions of years to develop.

Of course there is a last option: aliens exist, have overcome lightspeed, but are for whatever reason uninterested in galactic colonization.

Comment Re:Paradoxes Be Damned (Score 1) 334

it's reasonable to assume that the speed of light barrier will be overcome

No, it's not at all reasonable to assume that. And the massive scientific progress in the last 300 years has made it *substantially less* likely than it was before (300 years ago we didn't have any notion that there *was* a theoretical barrier to speed). It's reasonable to assume that it can never be overcome. It is *conceivable* that there might be a workaround that doesn't require infinite energy and give you infinite mass and infinitely compress you into a black hole, but it is unreasonable to believe it's nearly as likely as that there is no such workaround at all. Part of learning is discovering what is not possible. I know this isn't what people want to hear, and that's why it's rejected.

I don't mean this as an insult, it's an honest suggestion -- you need to read up on this way more than a forum comment can adequately describe to see why that's the case. There's a famous result that is tricky to understand that shows that faster than light travel is tantamount to time travel into the past, which means now you have to resolve the grandfather paradox, and figure out not only why we haven't been contacted by aliens, but also by our future selves (start at Light Cones: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L...).

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