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Comment Prevalence (Score 1) 450

I can count on zero (0) hands how many times I have been to those three sites in the last five years, and I can count on one hand the number of Captchas I have been forced to interact with in the last month. I get the feeling that most of the sites I visit, and would expect to see a captcha at, aren't going to want to use such an off-putting system. The sites that I really care about blocking ads on are sites that I hardly visit.

When encountering a new site I usually block the most annoying ads and leave the static image and less annoying ads alone. It is only when a site gets douchey with its advertising that I start to block entire domains. If EA, Wrigley and Disney (and almost all other big-name company sites) could provide a less annoying advertisment experiance on their sites I would not feel compelled to block all ads.

Comment Huh? (Score 1) 620

I am the only one who thought that writing an article, and one of questionable news value for that matter, from the point of view of some one who has played that game for years was a bad idea?

How is "some guy does some thing, apparently, dumb in-game" news that is interesting or relevant to non-players of that game?

Comment Hmm... (Score 1) 611

Perhaps I just don't understand all the complicated factors involved with this type of situation, but I was wondering why BP couldn't have just slid a larger tube over the rupture and essentially funnel much of the oil some place contained. If you can divert the oil to another tube you could then pump it to a taker-barge and then deal with it there *before* it gets into the Gulf.

College To Save Money By Switching Email Font 306

The University of Wisconsin-Green Bay has come up with an unusual way of saving money: changing their email font. The school expects to use 30% less ink by switching from Arial to Century Gothic. From the article: "Diane Blohowiak is the school's director of computing. She says the new font uses about 30 percent less ink than the previous one. That could add up to real savings, since the cost of printer ink works out to about $10,000 per gallon. Blohowiak says the decision is part of the school's five-year plan to go green. She tells Wisconsin Public Radio it's great that a change that's eco-friendly also saves money."

Comment Crappy Games (Score 1) 461

You know, I don't think I will be bothered by all this restrictions on pre-owned games, and for that matter DRM, registration, mandatory network connections etc. It seems to me that the games that get the "We need to get every penny possible out of this" focus from the publishers are the types of games that IMO suck. Personally I don't get all that bothered by it since, with a few exceptions, I am really sick of the Madden *Insert Year Here*, Generic Space Marine Kills a Ton of Aliens, or Overly Bloody FPS games that every one is making these days. I am sure that some of them are actually a quality product, but until the video game industry gets its creativity and soul back, I wont be sending much of my money their way.

I want my SNES/Gensis glory days back damn-it!

Comment Truth In Advertising (Score 5, Insightful) 214

This is a little off topic, but if there is one industry that desperately needs some Truth In Advertising laws enforced, its the wireless industry. I don't know why AT&T is so pissed. All the major carriers play up the smallest advantage they have over competitors as 'THE' deciding factor in who is the best carrier. How can Sprint AT&T and Verizon all have the best 3G networks like they each claim in their commercials?

Comment Re:Simple economics: (Score 1) 932

This might work for friends, but people tend to forget those infant years of their life when their parents did literally every thing for them, and then in your school-age years when they still provided for nearly all of your daily needs. As frustrating as it is for me, I do it with out too much griping because I know it was my parents that bought me my first computer, let me have the freedom to explore it, fed and housed me for 19 years, and never once asked for any thing more than an occasional chore. A few hours of annoyance one or twice a month seems like a small price to pay when all things are considered.

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