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Comment Re:Publicity worked for Humble Bundle (Score 1) 133

What makes you think the retail stores have any advantage over digital stores? Nothing stops game developers from following the same model -- as far as I'm concerned, developers of the Humble Bundle games did just that -- all of the games were sold for several months for their full prices before they went "on sale" in the Humble Bundle.

The "pay as you want" could just be considered some kind of a "last tier" in the tiered system you described -- instead of selling products for some minimal price like $1, you can let people pay what they want, which probably gets you more money anyway.

Comment Re:what? (Score 1) 200

So what's the attack scenario? I'm at work and a malicious co-worker can use this against me, how?

If you access your home router administration interface from work, the attacker will be able to sniff the communication (including the password), even if you access the administration interface via SSL.

The attacker will not be able to sniff the communication between you and your bank (or any other SSL website) -- the SSL private key stored in your router (and now published) does not play any part in this.

Comment Re:Hooray for freedom (Score 1) 747

And things using it kept selling quite well in the interim?

Things using it will keep selling exactly as well as they did before. Maybe even better, now that people will be able to use them with Linux or other non-supported configurations.

This is not about HD movies being available on BitTorrent (they always were), but about people who actually bought them being able to do whatever they want with them.

Comment Lower bound = upper bound (finally!) (Score 4, Informative) 309

Actually, this is a much more important result than the summary claims. Until now, there was always a gap between the proved lower bound and upper bound on necessary moves. They now proved that the known lower bound (20, proved in 1995) is also an upper bound (ie. there is no position which requires 21 or more moves to solve) and thus concluded research that lasted for 30 years.

This article could very well be listed on the Slashdot main page, it has nothing to do in Idle. The algorithms that were designed during this research are nothing to laugh at and will surely advance other research fields as well.

Comment Re:Favourite? hardly, it's awful (Score 3, Insightful) 165

One-dimensional, cliched characters that portray IT people as social inadequates.

I'd say The IT Crowd takes these cliches to absurd levels, which actually makes them less cliche and more just parody. I believe that if you see through it, they actually make fun of the cliches you mention it, instead of embracing them.

Now, if you want to see real cliched characters (and storylines), try watching an episode of The Big Bang Theory.

Comment Re:Cannonical is just trolling us (Score 2, Insightful) 984

I'm afraid your post is a bit misleading too. They are also requiring developers to use base-10 in most places:

base-10 should be used to represent network bandwidth and disk sizes while RAM sizes should use base-2. File sizes can either be shown in both base-10 and base-2, only base-10, or a user option to choose between the two (but with base-10 set as the default).

The article also mentions that Mac OS X already does this since 10.6. Maybe there's a Slashdot article about that too?

Comment Re:My research (Score 2, Insightful) 130

The research mentioned in the article isn't really research at all. It's based on a poll, which would assume that women know what they want. This is not a good assumption.

Even TFA seems to agree with you:

More specifically, about how women say they want one kind of man, but really want another.

So they actually assumed that women don't say what they want and then published a research based on what they said? Good job!

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