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Comment Re:Bah humbug censorship (Score 1) 307

It's not like they actively did so. It's simply an online backup

An online backup tool - that they willingly installed - did the transfer. Anyone that uses such programs should really keep in mind what such a program does.

Granted, cloud-backup providers are acting irresponsibly in failing to express the risks of using their system.

blaming the victims is just wrong

Indeed, but that doesn't mean it's wrong to say the victims failed to take sensible basic steps to protect themselves.

Comment Re:And make video available when asked (Score 1) 170

Except you don't need to store the videos indefinitely. I imagine a couple of months is long enough. It's a pretty huge amount of data, but I'm sure it's not that hard to cope with a couple of petabytes of simple video files. That's on the order of a thousand hard-disks full (not counting redundancy), and there's no fancy database requirements here, just a huge pile of videos indexed by car ID and day.

Anyway, I don't think peragrin was saying anything to the contrary, but was instead just suggesting IA could act as the 'tape library'.

Comment Re:And make video available when asked (Score 2) 170

Maybe there should be strict penalties for losing video recordings as well.

One can also view it as a problem with how the system works. The car cam, and proper treatment of its tapes, shouldn't be the responsibility of the officers in the car.

If there were a designated 'cam tape librarian' for the department, and that person alone were allowed to manage the tapes, this stuff would presumably be much less of a problem. (Naturally, if tapes go missing, that should be enough to put the tape librarian's job on the line, and the don't screw with the tapes unless it's your job to rule would have to have teeth.)

Comment Re:What they don't tell you (Score 1) 588

The vegans though are the ones who are saying man shouldn't eat meat at all.

You appear to think it's self-evident that they are wrong. It's not. Ideas of morality vary.

Anyway, you're generalising and confusing the terms vegetarian and vegan. If someone eats hunted meat, they don't strictly qualify as a vegetarian. Not that this semantic line of discussion will be enlightening, of course, nor does it have any bearing on the soundness of their moral stance whether a certain word applies.

Comment Re:What they don't tell you (Score 4, Insightful) 588

And veganism is completely unnatural and artificial for humans.

It is fortunate, then, that vegans aren't claiming otherwise.

There's a difference between denying the diet of our evolutionary ancestors, and having a problem with the way animals are treated in modern farms. I'm surprised by how often I have to point this out.

Comment Re:Oh god why. (Score 1) 174

Either the entity initiating the send, or some kind of proxy along the way.

It's how the internet works.

Please explain how it's a legitimate concern and how to alleviate it.

Just because it's how the Internet works, doesn't mean it might not be a problem. There's a tin-foil hat brigade who use VPNs, after all.

Crypto analogy: the Internet works in plain-text. That doesn't mean plain-text is always appropriate.

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