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Feed Schneier: Counting the US Intelligence Community Leakers (schneier.com)

It's getting hard to keep track of the US intelligence community leakers without a scorecard. So here's my attempt: Leaker #1: Chelsea Manning. Leaker #2: Edward Snowden. Leaker #3: The person who leaked secret documents to Jake Appelbaum, Laura Poitras, and others in Germany: the Angela Merkel surveillance story, the TAO catalog, the X-KEYSCORE rules. My guess is that this...

Feed Schneier: Metal Detectors at Sports Stadiums (schneier.com)

Fans attending Major League Baseball games are being greeted in a new way this year: with metal detectors at the ballparks. Touted as a counterterrorism measure, they're nothing of the sort. They're pure security theater: They look good without doing anything to make us safer. We're stuck with them because of a combination of buck passing, CYA thinking, and fear....

Feed Schneier: Two Thoughtful Essays on the Future of Privacy (schneier.com)

Paul Krugman argues that we'll give up our privacy because we want to emulate the rich, who are surrounded by servants who know everything about them: Consider the Varian rule, which says that you can forecast the future by looking at what the rich have today -- that is, that what affluent people will want in the future is, in...

Feed Schneier: China's Great Cannon (schneier.com)

Citizen Lab has issued a report on China's "Great Cannon" attack tool, used in the recent DDoS attack against GitHub. We show that, while the attack infrastructure is co-located with the Great Firewall, the attack was carried out by a separate offensive system, with different capabilities and design, that we term the "Great Cannon." The Great Cannon is not simply...

Feed Schneier: Alternatives to the FBI's Manufacturing of Terrorists (schneier.com)

John Mueller suggests an alternative to the FBI's practice of encouraging terrorists and then arresting them for something they would have never have planned on their own: The experience with another case can be taken to suggest that there could be an alternative, and far less costly, approach to dealing with would-be terrorists, one that might generally (but not always)...

Feed Schneier: Lone-Wolf Terrorism (schneier.com)

The Southern Poverty Law Center warns of the rise of lone-wolf terrorism. From a security perspective, lone wolves are much harder to prevent because there is no conspiracy to detect. The long-term trend away from violence planned and committed by groups and toward lone wolf terrorism is a worrying one. Authorities have had far more success penetrating plots concocted by...

Feed Schneier: Cell Phone Opsec (schneier.com)

Here's an article on making secret phone calls with cell phones. His step-by-step instructions for making a clandestine phone call are as follows: Analyze your daily movements, paying special attention to anchor points (basis of operation like home or work) and dormant periods in schedules (8-12 p.m. or when cell phones aren't changing locations); Leave your daily cell phone behind...

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