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Comment Re:It's the tools stupid (Score 0) 500

Have you ever tried Visual Studio? Seriously, if you give Silverlight dev in Visual Studio an honest try, you'll be spoiled and won't want to go back.

The programming language alone is worth the switch. It's soooo much more capable than Actionscript and the runtime lets you do advanced things like threading. You can also use the same language to build your own web services.

Comment Re:I'll pass. (Score 0) 228

But, you open source folks always tout the effectiveness of open source methodologies.

Microsoft is doing the right thing here and I hope other companies follow: Instead of building products "for Linux", give them what they need to build their own. I personally wouldn't expend one ounce of energy building a piece of desktop software for Linux users.

They don't pay for anything, so let them build their own.

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I've noticed several design suggestions in your code.
