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Submission + - checkout site for ebay reported an attack website (google.com)

KnightBlade writes: Recently I tried to buy an item from ebay. I was redirected to checkout.auctiva.com for payment. On trying to make a payment and clicking continue, Firefox reported this site as an attack website. I read why it was blocked an apparently it installs trojans and malware. Now there is no way to make a payment unless I am willing to mess up my computer by having some junk installed on it without my consent. I'm wondering if any other users on slashdot have had a similar experience. http://safebrowsing.clients.google.com/safebrowsing/diagnostic?client=Firefox&hl=en-US&site=https://checkout.auctiva.com/MyOrder.aspx?NoScript=true&ItemId=250374604307&TransId=0&OrderId=0&isCouponChosen=0&UserId

Slashdot's Disagree Mail 264

In this week's Disagree Mail, I try to show the range of messages I get. It's not all angry or insane, sometimes it's sent to us for no apparent reason. We start off a little mad, slip into a whole bunch of crazy and finish with someone who has a complaint about racism at his favorite restaurant. Read below to get started.

Apple's IPhone 3G Firmware Update Bombs 423

JagsLive writes "After lots of complaints about iPhone 3G connection issues, Apple released a firmware update Monday with hopes it would fix the issues. But early reports suggest it didn't work as planned. Complaints have included dropped calls, abrupt network switches, poor reception, and service interruptions. Apple declined to offer details about its iPhone 2.0.1 update, other than saying it included 'bug fixes.' However, comments in Apple's support forum say plenty about the latest attempt to rectify poor user experiences. In fact, the update seems to be causing new issues, apparently interfering with the GPS function, among others."

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