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Comment Paper Sims (Score 1) 197

Call it playing Sims (or some facebook game they may know about), just face-to-face using physical items like pencil, paper, and dice. It allows for more creativity & imagination.
Akin to playing Kick-the-Can became Golf when we grew up or Toss-the-Ball became Tennis, playing Cops & Robbers didn't become terrorism, it became Rollplaying.

-- Wagr

Comment My reaction (Score 1) 298

is this is overkill. The gut speakers are hard to swallow and technicians say the kidneys speakers are particularly difficult to install.
What I really want is a system that prevents me from hearing other folks cough, laugh at the wrong moment, or left their cell phone on ring.
And some will be listening to their ipod or speaking on their iphone during the movie anyway.

Comment Talking (Score 2) 223

My job description covers developing software for a company, but reality involves rather little development.

Most of my time is spent on investigations (but not real systems analysis), documentation (sometimes contracts, sometimes draft or pre-politicized end-user instructions), internal support, and elevated customer support.

Comment Between 0 and 6 (Score 1) 298

At any given time, I may have up to six books to read - not that six is a limit. I just don't seem to gather more than that, even when I visit the local library's big book sale. I get through them, return/donate/pass them along, and find more. When I reach zero, I just pick up a book from those I liked enough to keep. I'm 2/3 through the Discworld series again.

Comment Word parsing (Score 1) 219

To parse the words carefully:
4) Within 5 years, it will become popular within the US to say there is no digital divide - there is no such thing a class divide in the first place.
I think reality will look more service caps that limit the average user to software updates, streaming a movie per week, and playing a few hours of a browser game per month.

Comment Someone is surprised (Score 1) 105

I am actually surprised this is newsworthy. This one is not a change at all.
We've been dealing with changes in taxation since we designed our first retail product in 1986. When we added employee time tracking and more tax reports, the number of tax rules multiplied by about 3. If congress doesn't pass an extension, then we post a small update notice and all our sites (in the US) will have it within a minute, or the next time they launch our software.
You want to talk newsworthy, convince all local governments to use the same tax rules, preferably the same tax rate. Then I wouldn't be spending my Decembers and Januaries rooting around bulletins, making tiny rate changes to our tables.
My family has learned to not bother inviting me home for the holidays.

Comment Inertia (Score 1) 990

I personally would love it. I hate arranging conference calls only to have one person miss, no matter how I phrase the invites. "That's 9 am Mountain time, which is 11 am for you, Steve." Means Steve will call me at 7:10 Mountain time and say, "Where is everyone?"

But why not: Inertia. TV producers will bandy about some straw man like, "Shows are used to delaying by an hour for Central, two for Mountain, and the odd hour out for the West. The common announcement that "x will be shown at y:00, z:00 West Coast" will have to be changed to "x will be shown at y:00, y-1:00 Central, y-2:00 Western, and some other time West Coast." The additional seconds it takes to say that will result in less advertising which will destroy our economy." That cable, satellite, DVR, and streaming have already made that argument pointless will not be understood by said producers or the politicians who listen to them.

Besides, enough voters don't understand. Remember, we're smart and in the minority.

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