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Comment Re:Joomla (Score 2) 120

Not sure what you mean by closer fit.. you could launch a joomla with only the calendar, Jevents is a decent mature app and joomla 3 is small screen capable. You also get the update infrastructure to manage your security and updates. Joomla gets a hard rap around here, but its not that bad when you work with it for a while. I could launch this from start to dns flop over in around 3 hours.

Comment Abnormal (Score 0) 190

It takes abnormal to be different. It takes different to make changes. From DNA that didnt quite come out right to someone who has an unstoppable obsession, these are the type things that open new doors. Genius is not a normal person working hard, genius is something different. Of course these people are social misfits, and easily abused, they are not on the same plane, they are by nature, different. And most likely for every person we hear about as genius there are multitudes who are idiots as well as many many who are squashed by the machine. A normal person sees a box and puts things in it, a genius sees a box and fills it with their obsession.

Comment You Insensitive Clod! :p (Score 1) 308

I quit working for "The Man" 5 years ago and now work for myself. I find that I work twice the hours, at least, but I also take regular learning tangents and am free to follow them wherever I wish, and often times they add to my general knowledge and allow me to offer different, new services and such. I find that I do a lot of "me" learning in-between projects and it not only helps me grow but also allows me to clear my head for the next project.

Comment Secondary Issue.. (Score 1) 509

So apart from the blatant Constitutional shredding, which in and of itself should be plenty to call BS on the whole thing, how about the simple ROI of the whole damn thing? How much money, resources and man-hours have we shit away for practically no public good or protection? I would guess in the billions and growing. This whole ordeal is nothing but a power grab for control. It has nothing to do with safety and everything to do with pure unadulterated power.

Comment Think of it as banking overtime (Score 1) 310

Sure send your notification emails and cya.. once that's done it's more a game of wait for the overtime, because when, and I mean when, it goes down it will be like Oprah came by with.. And overtime for you, and for you, and for you.. overtime for everyone until we fix this!!

Comment Re:Learn JS and compete with $2/hr developers (Score 4, Interesting) 152

I am a little on the strange side. I dont expect anyone to like or appreciate this, but I try and stay below poverty for income if I can for a few reasons. The overall business plan is to build sites and such for low down and small monthlys, get enough of that and hosting to make a residual income and then just pick up checks and do whatever jobs roll along. Almost at the $1k residual mark, and with new and fixit jobs wandering in as well as my wife has an online shop it is slowly growing and working. Not that there isnt squeeky tight times, but for 5 years now we have kept the lights on and food on the plate and it is getting easier.

Comment Re:Learn JS and compete with $2/hr developers (Score 4, Interesting) 152

Having owned and run my own little web biz for 5 years now, I have run estimates on my real hourly income.. and its a little depressing. It usually does end up below minimum wage, but then a big job (feast cycle) hits and we start over. On the other hand..I have managed to pay bills for 5 years now in my PJ' I go tthat goin for me...

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