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Comment Re:Not guaranteed memory problems (Score 1) 191

Indeed, people installing aftermarket battery sticks in Honda IMA hybrids learned the hard way: each stick of 6 D-cells slides through a pair of rubber matrices supporting the 20 sticks. Aftermarket installers were first just throwing the bare sticks into the matrices, and the batteries after a time would sometimes smoke and catch fire.

Turns out the plastic shrink wrap on the outside of each cell became important to insulate the batteries from the carbon black in the rubber at the 180V the system could hit. It looked like window dressing, but wasn't. Fun times. I bet lightning (at WAY higher voltage than 180) would go through rubber like it was steel.

Comment Re:Terrific counter to Monsanto's herbicide messag (Score 1) 308

Yes, so wrong you say. Knee! Jerk!

"Professor Jane Mt. Pleasant of Cornell University studied the polyculture of corn, pole beans, and squash. She found that these plots grown in the traditional Iroquois way yielded about 25-40 bushels of corn per acre. This compares poorly to the 100-bushels per acre average for modern New York State famers. Then she added the value of the beans and squash from the same plots. The total yield of the three sisters system was 4.02 million calories per acre compared to the 3.44 million calories per acre."

We plant crops the way we do to make them labor unintensive to harvest. If you knew anything about ecology you would grasp that a monoculture is pretty much never going to take full advantage of a site like polyculture.

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