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Comment Re:How is this (Score 2) 903

Plus there is the nasty trick of the Morning After Pill which is considered a contraceptive but is in reality an Abortion Pill.

Wrong (almost certainly). The best evidence is that "morning after pill" works by preventing fertilisation, not by inducing abortion, as you'd know if you'd read the RA (though of course this is /, so there wasn't much chance of that).

Comment Re:ONE independent demo, please (Score 1) 207

I suspect the biggest issue isn't technical. At the moment, if a driver drives full speed into a line of kids crossing the road it's the driver who ends up in court. If it's an autonomous self-driving vehicle, it's likely the vehicle manufacturer who ends up in court.

I don't expect the lawyers to allow these vehicles on the road in my lifetime.

Comment Re:Oh noooos! (Score 5, Insightful) 509

Susan Pinker's The Sexual Parodox refers to the observation that as women's rights improve the number of women in traditionally men's professions keeps rising and then goes into reverse, settling at a lower level than the peak (but far higher than in the society with poor women's rights). The effect seems to be tat a desire for "equality" means that women are pushed into jobs they don't want to do because they're assumed to be socialised to the point of being incapable of deciding for themselves (what Pinker calls the "infantilisation of women"). Eventually, women get enough liberty to resist that. So both sides have a measure of truth. Those concerned for women's rights are correct that there can be social factors excluding women from certain professions, but the opponents are right that the search for numerical equality can lead to an overshoot and press individual women into unsuitable jobs. The challenge is to find out which side of that line we're on.

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