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Comment Re:SjwDot.org (Score 1) 335

Pretty much exactly that, in fact what he claimed to be childporn was in part just gay pornography... a common libel made against gay men. If there were child porn on fullchan then the anti-gamergate person who downloaded and public distributed it would have been arrested for distributing child pornography. He was cleared by the police, therefore there was no child pornography.

This was right up there with the GNAA paying people $20 to tweet misogynist slurs and threats... and Zoe Quinn retweeting their offers to astroturf.

Comment Re:So (Score 2) 335

To quote Dr. Hoff-Sommers: "In early 90s, my side won all the arguments. But the other side quietly assumed all the assistant professorships." Despite an overwhelming majority of even women rejecting the SJW's toxic branding they have disproportionate clout due to actively seeking out media influence.

Comment Re:I don't think it'll ever really happen (Score 1) 335

Except there's hard proof it wasn't gamergate that did that, and if you want to play that game you're still playing catchup to the fact GameJournoPros supporters have swatted more people AND gotten more women and non-whites fired or blacklisted AND doxed a full order of magnitude more people...

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