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Comment Light/Fast, Compatible (Score 1) 879

XP is lighter and faster than any other Windows release, while still being compatible with almost all of the software I want. I prefer an OS I can run on my crumbling 600 MHz laptop with 256 MB of RAM and on all my modern machines (inside of a VirtualBox, since I'm a Linux user).

Comment Teach Science in School (Score 1) 360

The subject sounds offtopic, but seriously, a clear, natural, everyday usage of the scientific method to solve problems would make your average user be capable of sending meaningful bug reports,because they would understand how problems are solved in the most general sense. They would realize that in order to diagnose where a problem is coming from, all of the possible sources of that problem must be independently tested in a controlled way. Doing that by nature makes for naturally good bug reports.

Comment Re:30 years later... (Score 2) 166

I'd say that the hardware for collecting data has substantially improved with time too (imaging sensors, etc.). Not to mention storage capacity, and I'm sure there is plenty of other stuff I can't think of right now, even if launching technology hasn't changed much. There could definitely be huge benefits.

Comment Question About Voyager(s)... (Score 4, Interesting) 166

It receives commands from Earth, and it's 34 years old. What's to keep enemies of the United States from sending it bad instructions, or from collecting all data it sends back to us? I realize that Voyager isn't of any military importance, but I guess this is more of a hypothetical question. Does it use some type of encryption? Is that encryption still unbreakable today? The keys haven't been compromised after all this time? Just curious.

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