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Comment Re: In Finland (Score 1) 516

it's probably also because here in europe, electicity networks are often state owned (or at least have been installed by the state prior to some privatization-waves over the last 20 years). the last time i can remember a short power outage here in rural austria must have been in the 90ies. there have been some major outages in some other areas, but they are few and far between (and usually mended within minutes to a few hours).

Comment this is overengineerimg par excellence. (Score 1) 82

i'd guess, most "lost tools" end up in a co-workers toolbox anyway, so those $ 35.000 are probably exaggerated. then it's more about organizing and making inventory once a year. and if it's about theft - put rfid-tags into the tools, and cover the exits with scanners. that's cheaper and less prone to fail than lots of expensive toolboxes with embedded computers (btw. - i'd steal the toolbox as a whole, if they were that nerdy)

Comment sleeping babies (Score 1) 321

"Particularly alarming was the number of camera feeds of sleeping babies, which people often set up to protect them, but, being unaware of the risks, don't change the username or password from the default options that came with the cameras." so, where exactly is the risk of someone seeing my sleeping baby - unless i'm a pedophile and doing dirty things to it live on camera?

Comment Re: have you seen that currentC payment process? (Score 1) 631

btw., as this /. story arrived shortly after some currentC retailers were criticized for disabling the already working apple pay at their shops, this is probably a targeted pr-effort to reduce bad word of mouth in the tech-/early adopters - comunity. judging by the comments here, it looks like it backfired. hehe

Comment Re: Build more nukes! (Score 1) 245

because a moderately high iq (say around 120) unfornunately doesn't make you socially competent - there are plenty of assholes around that range. i'd argue that if you were smart enough - say 140 or above - you'd see the futility of being a total dick. but you'd probably have no energy problems anyways if you gas anybody below that. also, tv would be better.

Comment word! (Score 1) 251

since Descent, there have not been a lot of games where you have to navigate through 3d space without a sense of "up" or down". loved it, back in the day - gimme a kickstarter-remake to back. a new game would be even better (as long as they don't dumb down the level-design)

Comment what is this, a samsung advert? (Score 3, Insightful) 201

obviously, under ideal conditions for the samsung (brightly lit, mounted to a tripod, canon lens stopped down, canon footage graded in post to match the overly sharp look & oversaturated colors of the galaxy), they will produce similar videos. but that's the one exception, not the rule.

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