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Comment Re:Hmmm (Score 1) 214

what ever, this absolutely has nothing to do with life imitating art at all. if no movie, play, story, you name it had ever been made, this still would have happened. it's just people trying to smuggle stuff they shouldn't always find creative ways to do so, always!

And I'm not disagreeing with that, not even a little.

I'm saying it isn't possible to make up something and say "but that could only happen in a movie". Sometimes you see stuff in movies and go "yeah, no way" only to find it has a basis in truth.

I'm not saying the convicts watched a movie and said "hey, let's try that". I'm saying never underestimate the motivation of people who don't want to be there, and have lots of time on their hands.

So when someone says "this isn't Hollywood", I think "nope, we wouldn't believe it if Hollywood did it".

If it's physically possible, it's probably likely been tried, or will be if someone figures out how.

Submission + - Samsung to Push Monthly Over-the-Air Security Updates for Android (securityweek.com)

wiredmikey writes: Smartphone maker Samsung said on Wednesday that it soon will implement a new Android security update process that fast tracks mobile security patches over the air when security vulnerabilities are uncovered. The South Korea-based maker of popular Android smartphones said that it recently fast tracked security updates to its Galaxy devices in response to the recent Android “Stagefright” vulnerabilities uncovered late last month by security firm Zimperium.

News of the initiative is great for Android users. For years, wireless carriers and phone manufacturers have been accused of putting profits over protection and dragging their feet on regular operating system updates, making Android users vulnerable to malware and other attacks.

Comment Re:Hmmm (Score 1) 214

Right, and a drone dropping drugs into the prison yard is in no way like something out of a movie.

Honestly, the world is a screwed up place, and this entire incident is meta enough to seem like something out of Hollywood.

Life imitating art and all that.

Submission + - Upgrade to Windows 10 and your kids may no longer be safe (betanews.com)

Mark Wilson writes: Parents who are upgrading their computers to Windows 10 are warned that the move from Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 will obliterate the safety features used to protect children. You may have spent time putting restrictions in place in a bid to keep your offspring safe when using your computer, but Windows 10 will change these child-friendly accounts into standard accounts with no limitations whatsoever.

The upgrade process wipes out website restrictions, game and app age ratings, time limits, and other parental controls and monitoring options. Unless a parent goes to the trouble of reinstating each of these settings individuals, their children will have unfettered computer access. The discovery, revealed by The Register, will come as a surprise to many, but the worry is that many parents will simply be unaware that their children are not protected. And this is far from being the first time Windows 10 has been criticized.

Comment Re:Hmmm (Score 5, Interesting) 214

Even with the relatively high value of the cargo, it is still hard to see how the person who delivered it could reasonably expect to be paid for it.

You don't watch many movies, do you? Or missed the whole thing where the Mexican cartel guy had a tunnel excavated under the prison and "nobody noticed"?

As much as it sounds like a Hollywood fantasy, it's not like people in prison have no contact with the outside world, and don't have a lot of time on their hands to come up with new ways to work around the system.

Hell, you could do a Tarantino plot about the shit you could drop into a prison yard to create unrest.

Hell, have one drone drop in a bag of weapons and have another with a long zoom televise the the gladiatorial games which ensue.

It really was only a matter of time until drugs and other stuff started getting dropped into prisons. People have been doing low tech versions of this for decades, if not centuries.

Comment Re:Not really news... (Score 4, Insightful) 42

Well, that's where the regulatory capture comes in. For some, it's a stated goal.

In case you haven't been paying attention, it's already happened.

Lobbyists work for government long enough to stack the deck before they return to being lobbyists. Corporations write the laws which give them the best deal.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

Comment Re:And? (Score 4, Insightful) 42

So, it's good because it's only fascism-lite for now?

Because, honestly, the fact that it's stepping all over the law and the Constitution to do it tells me there should be a lot more outrage than there is.

You know, like the nationally endorsed perjury they call "parallel construction" and the police forces which want to hide the fact they illegally use surveillance technology without a warrant?

I have yet to be convinced they actually only target individuals. In fact, I'm pretty sure what they do amounts to general warrants.

But, no, let's keep pretending our own governments aren't trying to do the same exact thing and that it's only a little illegal curtailing of our rights and a tiny amount of ignoring due process of law.

Comment Re:Good news, and all... (Score 1) 363

I'm not a cow and neither are you.

It's still easier for me to eat meat or cheese than any plant product. That's not even getting into people that might not even be able to eat one particular thing or another.

Full throttle omnivorism is the only sensible approach.

Anything else and you are likely to miss something or fail to "complement" something properly.

I'm not a dirt poor 3rd world person. I don't have to punish myself and pretend I wasn't born in the 1st world.

Besides, my own dietary requirements right now likely could not be sustained without animal products. Although I am certainly a corner case.

Comment Re:Cool (Score 0) 363

Don't be a moron. The "completely legal" medical services probably refer to pap smears, condoms, and pre-natal vitamins.

Planned Parenthood does a lot more than abortions.

This is a little fact that gets glossed over by the extremist crusaders trying to suppress their political rivals by any means necessary.

It's much like burning down all the Targets because they sell birth control pills.

Comment And? (Score 2, Interesting) 42

And we're supposed to think this is different from Western governments demanding crypto backdoors, the ability to intercept at the data center, and secret warrants allowing them to demand all info in secret?

Sorry, but all governments are trending towards fascism, that China is doing this surprises me not even a little.

What we should be outraged at is the fact the governments of "free" countries are half way to doing the same fucking thing.

Sure, it's not outright censorship yet ... but give it time.

The difference is I don't need to give a fuck what the Chinese government does. I have no ability to stop the US government or other western governments doing the same thing, and that does affect me.

Comment Re: Cool (Score 3, Interesting) 363

Babies are born. In that respect, they are covered by the 14th Amendment.

Fetuses are not babies and never have been. Even born babies haven't always had completely human status. In many societies they aren't even named until it's shown that they will survive.

If anything, newborns are little more than external fetuses that are highly dependent and terribly fragile. They're nothing like any of their counterparts in the rest of the animal kingdom.

If it can't survive without the mothership then how can you really call it a separate legal entity?

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