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Submission + - Robert Jordan Dies At 58 (

Torvaun writes: "Author Robert Jordan has succumbed to the blood disease he had been fighting for years. Despite the increasingly lackluster performance of his more recent novels, there is no denying that he has had a massive impact on the fantasy genre. No news yet about what this means for the book he was working on, which was intended to be the final book in the Wheel of Time series."

Submission + - The History of the Nintedo Family Computer (

neil_beforezod writes: "Two well regarded gaming blogs, 4colorrebellion and, have joined forces to tell the story of the revolutionary console that helped revived gaming: the Nintendo Family Computer or the Famicom. The Famicom, the older brother to the NES, may never have been release in the U.S. nor have every reached the fame of its younger brother, but it's presence had everlasting effects on what the gaming industry is today."

Submission + - 10 Procrastination Avoidance Tips for Techies

kierny writes: runs an article on 10 tips for avoiding procrastination. According to researchers, almost everyone procrastinates, and up to 20% of people do so chronically. Overcoming the tendency to procrastinate is especially difficult for techies, give that technology — while boosting productivity — also leads us to distraction, and distractions — Flickr, Skype, IM'ing, BlackBerries — stoke our desire to procrastinate. To help, a leading industrial psychologist recommends a number of techniques to avoid honing your art of delay, from deactivating email notification and killing short-cut buttons, to banishing the Dew and getting separate PCs for work and home.

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Anyone can make an omelet with eggs. The trick is to make one with none.
