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Comment Re:The Good, the Bad, the Ugly... (Score 3, Insightful) 176

Insurance is for amortizing risk over time and population. Knowing the degree of risk makes it better insurance, not worse--it's not illegal to charge higher car insurance rates to people who are bad drivers. It's the role of the government to redistribute wealth to those who've gotten a crappy start, not the role of insurance firms. (And I dispute the notion that those unfortunates who share our nationality should be our first moral responsibility.)

Comment Re:Mod parent down (Score 2, Informative) 239

You're incorrect. HTML Purifier builds a tree of the HTML it understands and allows, then outputs a clean version of that tree. If it doesn't recognize the markup, it doesn't pass it on to the browser. I'll give $20 to the first person to show me an XSS exploit in the current version of HTML Purifier that isn't the result of an overly permissive whitelist. (Disclaimer: I use HTML Purifier and submitted the patch for CSS.AllowedProperties, but am in no other way associated with the project.)

Comment Re:No problem (Score 2, Interesting) 181

I'm a Javascript developer, and I use NoScript, because I'm frequently Googling for information and checking sites I haven't visited before. Almost any time a Firefox vulnerability is announced, NoScript already prevents the exploit. Besides, I don't want third-party tracking and flashy ads when I'm just browsing for information. I'm happy to add genuine web apps to my whitelist, but blog comment forms, for example, should never require Javascript to function.

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