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Comment Re:Such a great love for Google Maps (Score 4, Interesting) 143

Also, many people in the US might be waiting for their contracts to expire before moving to an Android phone from the iPhone. I'm taking a wild guess and I'm obviously biased because I happen to be one of those people, but I can't be the only one. I'm also looking to switch providers and paying $350 to do so before my contract is up is unappetizing to me. So, maybe you'll see a more drawn-out move to Android in the next year or so. Who knows? I can only speak for myself, and that's what I'm doing - was considering it for a while and the Apple Maps fiasco was really the last straw.

Comment Re:And (Score 4, Insightful) 163

Maybe because there's a strong correlation, when speaking in terms of population, between how religious one is and how likely one is to be offended by the sight of a nipple. Or in some cultures, an ankle.

Now remember, correlation causation! But in this case, I'd put my money on "sure it does", if I were a betting man.

Comment Re:No it is not (Score 2) 101

Facebook, maybe. Twitter? They just got passed by Instagram, of all things, in active daily users. I'm not saying Instagram has reached critical mass, either - if I was forced to bet, I'd lay money that Twitter and Instagram will both fade just as MySpace did. Facebook, much as I hate it, may have a decent chance of continuing on with no end in sight.

Comment Re:But the real question is (Score 4, Informative) 139

No one paid attention because it's a ludicrous theory. And the motivation behind such a theory? oh, that simplest and oldest of reasons:

"However, this theory is only advocated by one person and is described by "celebrity criminal defence lawyer" Jeffrey Steinberger as "absolutely absurd, ... a desperate attempt to sell a book".

Also, he'd been "investigating" the case for 6 years, not 30. 30 would've been noteworthy indeed, considering the murders happened in 1994.

Comment Re:in New Jersey? really? (Score 2) 499

Death and taxes already mentioned, the third "only sure thing" is that no matter where you're from, the drivers from the different places are the "worst ones". Somehow, jackasses from State X are always vomiting out that "Those assholes from State Y can't drive!" and meanwhile, the reverse is also true. Congrats, Archie Bunker.

Comment Re:so don't pay (Score 1) 92

I really wish you hadn't posted as AC, so more people would read your very good points. You're one of the few making sense in this thread. Honestly, the "sky is falling" predictions coming from the other 90% of people posting about this make me question the average intelligence of a crowd reading "news for nerds."

Comment Re:As Nietzsche so adroitly put it (Score 1) 684

I will say this, I definitely received less bullying at a private school than I believe I would've at the local public school. I never felt like I should underperform in order to fit in better or to avoid bullying. Even at a young age, I understood that the (minimal) bullying I was subjected to was just a manifestation of jealousy, even though I didn't fully understand those words or concepts at that age. In my neighborhood, playing wiffleball with the kids on my street, that was a different story. There was a huge difference between that and my school. I was, in fact, grateful that I didn't have to go the same school as those kids, because I believed then (and now) that the bullying would've been worse.

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