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Comment Re: You insensitive clod... (Score 1) 97

My desktop PC has multiple screens (one of which is 42") and a full-size "ergonomic" keyboard. No laptop can come close to this experience.

To be fair, I do in fact "own" a laptop (iBook G3), but I haven't actually used it in 6 or 7 years. I don't have anything against them, I just haven't had much need for one in recent years. Last time I traveled, I found my phone was enough to stay connected, and if I ever needed a "real" computer, it was not hard to find. Frankly I don't see much use for that form-factor in my lifestyle for the foreseeable future.

I understand that some people still need a laptop to get their job done. I'm not one of those people. And given the choice, I'd much rather use a desktop.

Comment Re: Restrict carbs, not calories (Score 5, Informative) 153

I've been losing weight steadily for several months now, on a low-carb, high-fat, "paleo" lifestyle which includes light exercise and intermittent fasting. I do not pay any attention to calories whatsoever, I only avoid carbs and eat as much "real food" as I feel like, meaning single-ingredient, natural, fresh-cooked or raw products, as opposed to the processed "edible food-like substances" which occupy most of the shelf space in a modern supermarket.

In terms of caloric intake, my diet is about 75~80% fat, 15~20% protein, and 5~10% carbs.

I eat a lot of the following:
Raw veg: carrot sticks, celery, broccoli, cauliflower, salad.
Cooked veg: spinach, cabbage, sprouts, etc..
Fermented veg: dill pickles, sauerkraut
Dairy: butter, cream, cheese, cream-cheese, sour cream
  - Do eggs count as dairy? I eat about two per day.
Nuts: almonds, walnuts, pistachios, etc..
Meat: the fattier the better, especially organ meats
Fish: the fattier the better.

I avoid all processed foods and carbs in particular: Sugar, soft drinks, fruit juice, bread, pasta, starchy veg (eg. potatoes)... and also "somewhat avoid" legumes in general and soy products in particular.

As for exercise, I don't have a regime or program, I just live in a walkable city with great public transpo, so I end up walking a couple miles per day on average. I also started using a stand-up desk last spring. I've been losing a steady 1lb per week for the last half year, and am well on the way to my target by next summer.

Comment Re:Reduced revenues != lost profit (Score 1, Interesting) 280

Economy of scale still applies to solar energy. It's still going to be cheaper for a utility company to set up hundreds
of solar panels and sell the electricity to consumers than it will be for everyone to buy/maintain their own system.

That pretty well describes Elon Musk's business plan with Solar City. From what I've seen, it looks like they've already passed the tipping point into self-sustaining progress. Their main problems seem to be keeping up with demand and managing the "growing pains" of such rapid business expansion.

Comment Re:Storage vs. Grid purchase? (Score 2) 235

In addition to transportation, I'm curious about storage. How much "peaking power" comes from renewables (or stored renewables) as opposed to grid purchase (or quick-startup resources such as gas turbine)?

I'm stoked to hear about real-world success in renewable energy, but I see a lot of "fluff" cheerleading in the press without much attention to details about how much this or that project produces, compared to total consumption, and how much power is being consumed by various sectors of society.

As home-built or purchased alt-energy installations become more common, and more people become aware of these issues, I hope we'll see more discussion of these issues in the press. It's about time.

Comment Re: Next step - More materials (Score 1) 69

We'll need the fuel depots in any scenario, simply because LEO is a more versatile launch/assembly venue, capable of handling much larger missions than anything that could be launched (with or without fuel) from Earth.

And don't assume that mining the moon will be "insanely" expensive until you've seen the methods that are being worked on right now. Bottom line, the cost of the fuel itself will be just a tiny fraction of the total cost to deliver it on orbit. And as it turns out, there's a significant advantage for producing fuel on the moon -- it takes a bit more than 3x as much delta-v to move a certain mass from Earth to LEO as it does from the moon to LEO (9.3 km/s vs. 2.74 km/s, respectively).

Let's say Elon gets launch cost down to $125/lb to LEO. That means he's paying $1000 per gallon, just for transport to the depot. Which means my "insanely expensive" lunar miners can spend $500 per gallon to extract the fuel, and still beat Elon's price at the LEO depot. That is a significant forcing function, sufficient to drive mining activity on the moon for decades to come.

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