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Comment Re:Stupid reasoning. (Score 1) 1094

It's funny how progressives use percentages when it benefits them. Big Oil has been getting single-digit profit margins for many years, but all the progressives could point out when they wanted to make a money grab was "millions of dollars". Yes, a single-digit percentage of billions in sales is indeed millions.

You really want to hold up Walmart, the leftist's favorite punching bag, as a good example? That's exactly where the ire of the left (mostly for unions, who want in) is focused.

Comment Re:These wouldn't be the microwave comms... (Score 1) 221

Yes, this. Read the article, they are talking about 400Mbps microwave links. That's a drop in the bucket compared with fiber bandwidth. This paper is all about latency above all else. First, I remain unconvinced that RF links are really different than fiber for latency. Second, I'm unconvinced very many people care about the difference of ~5ms in latency (using their numbers) and would consider bandwidth much more important. They point out one particular use case for low-latency, low-bandwidth links like this (high frequency trading) but for anything involving human interaction it seems like a non-issue.

Comment Re:Prior art (Score 5, Interesting) 221

I always smile when passing old long-lines towers on the road (or seeing them on top of central office buildings in large cities). You can get an idea of the size and scope of the network at which has some excellent maps such as showing the network.

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