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Comment Re:And when the video feed dies... (Score 0) 468

The window leads to a lot of mistakes as well, probably far more than a video feed dying.
Cases have been documented when flying over an large body of water pilots can get disinterested and confuse their up from down, and fly their plains upside down, until they crash.

In the rare case where the feed dies, there are a bunch of other instruments available for them.


Comment Re:Expert System (Score 1) 162

To much Science Fiction and not enough Science Fact.
A common theme in Science Fiction is the idea that technology will replace humans, which is often true. However most SciFi usually takes this idea and follows the slippery slop to a far more interesting to read, but most likely not possible worst case situation.

SciFi books about say a middle grade analyst having to change careers in his mid 40's because technology had made his current job obsolete. Is rather dull. But if that system some how became the all knowing overlord, picking who lives and who lives on a global scale. Now that is interesting, and allows conflict with a rag tag team of Humans in their seemingly impossible task in out thinking the super computer.

When you read a cautionary tail, it isn't about stopping progress, but opening your mind to other options, if these options are bad, put insurances to protect the bad stuff from happening.

Comment Re:No shit (Score 1) 203

Where their are the rare cases where a kid who doesn't have the mental block on this is how we need to do things can come up with a much more innovative solution. However most of the time, the best they achieve is creating something that other engineers have though of before but had rejected the idea, because of the trade-offs it can bring, being too expensive, doesn't meet quality standards, parts are hard to replace, cannot purchase the right to use a patent, excessively dangerous, etc....

I had invented a lot of crazy stuff as a kid, I was lucky I never started a fire with the designs. (A lot of wire cloth hanger that are not isolated were often my primary material)

Comment Re:Not a ranking of what is the best language (Score 1) 197

Figuring out the best programming language is just an opening to a flame war.
1. Different languages have chosen a different set of trade offs as to meet the problems they solve. Speed to run vs speed to code. Compiled vs interpreted. Verbose descriptive command vs quick to type but cryptic commands.

2. Different platforms. Are you coding for Windows or Linux perhaps for Apple. How much do you want to take advantaged of the platforms features?

3. You tend to favor what you know. Why do you think most of these top languages are C like. They are just variants on what you know.

Having had the choice to choose a language for a project there are a lot of factors. To say this language is superior then the rest is silly because the other languages were made for a reason.

Comment Re:We can thank corporate America (Score 1) 282

Most people would like to stick around at the same company. However companies fail to encourage employees to stay. If a company keeps the employee's salary competive with their skill level, offer a clear path for growth and promotion. Then they employee will stick around. If they feel like their lives are stuck, they will jump to an other job.

Comment Re:Cargo-Cult Sociology (Score 1) 221

NASCAR doesn't have gender segregation, Men and Women can compete in NASCAR. Granted there are not a lot of women NASCAR drivers. But they are a few and they can compete with the men.

I would say unless there is a statistical evidence that gender will give someone an advantage or disadvantage in terms of performance, I say let anyone play.

Comment Re:OR (Score 1) 579

If you can j walk without inconveniencing traffic. Then that is fine, However if you expect the car to slow down to not hit you, means you just may get hit if they are distracted and not looking for or at you. And this can happen with the best of drivers when there is a lot of things going on in the road.

Comment Re:Faith in God (Score 1) 299

Some one in a article about science had a few sentences about religion.
OM!G? How dare your limited world view of all religious people must be zealot hicks be questioned.

Your world view is based on taking everything you disagree with with all the religions, combine it into one over reaching idea of what a religion is and just hate it, because when you put all the stuff you dislike about each one together you get something you really dislike.

A religion is controlled and managed by normal humans, like the general population everyone has ideas that may not be the same as everyone else. So with a lot of religions there will be some parts that you do not like, however they encourage a lot of things that are good and helpful.
Most major religions do not get in the way of science. Unless they see something unethical in the science.

Comment Re:Funny (Score 1) 191

Most people believe what they want to believe.
The internet allows these people to get together and become a loud vocal group.
So a lot of misinformation is sent from these people, causing confusion on the people who may be neutral on the topic.

So if the person is unable to judge the quality of the information they probably don't trust the internet as it gives them so much stuff that is hard to figure out what is true.

Then you have reports about Spying, Identity Theft and a bunch of other stuff, that is greatly over emphasized so people feel even scared of it.

The people who know how to use the technology knows how to be "Internet Street Smart" However those who struggle are not. And get themselves into more trouble.

The people in your circle they don't trust the internet, like how someone doesn't trust walking in the city. They know not to keep their wallet in their back pocket, dress down... However they are not so worried about a random shooter on a good block.

Comment Re:OR (Score 1) 579

There is an intersection where I live.
Here is the situation.
There is a 3 Lane Traffic, 1 lane from one road that merges to a 2 lane highway. that goes into a 4 lanes where the Left two lanes have a left turn and the right two lanes continue up on the street. They are 2 traffic lights within 100 feet of each other, going up a hill, and they are also a crosswalk to boot.
There is so much stuff going on it is near impossible for drivers to get a full view of what is going on, if you are in the wrong lane you will have a lot of trouble getting into the right one without cutting people off, or jamming traffic. So you are doing your best not to hit cars. Then you add a random person walking across the street by J walking. There is just an other wildcard. And these people get hit and there were some deaths.
What was the approach for this. Make sure people are not speeding on that road. While that intersection tends to be 10-20 mph slower then the speed limit anyways.

It isn't technology, but poor planning of the roads and they use technology as a cheap workaround. However that rarely solves the problem.

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