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Comment Implementation not the technology. (Score 5, Insightful) 153

Agile Project management methodology has a lot of good features.
Cloud based processing can help the organization.
You can get a lot of useful information from Big Data (Previously Business Intelligence, Previously Decision Support System)

And they are still hanging on to Enterprise Class software.

But they jump headfirst without realizing what their main plan or problems they will use it to solve.

But what normally happens they just replace their existing technology and try to rig the new one to do what they did before and hope magically they will get a benefit from it.

These types of technology require you to change your full organization culture, and workflow to gain the advantage of the new technology. Just saying you got a big data project by joining all your DB tables in some big views and giving you a few reports isn't really big data.
Hosting your email on gmail isn't going to the cloud. Or even just remotely hosting you stuff on cloud systems, isn't embracing the cloud it is just offshoring your data.

Comment Re:Was cool in 2010 when foss BigBlueButton did th (Score 1) 99

Well watching the video I got, the cold childs that the marketers have overly exaggerated its abilities.
The source of amazement on the kids faces wanted to make me gag, I think they recorded them watching a magician doing his tricks, then replaced it with the clips of the kid talking on Skype.

So we have technologies Like Siri, Skyvi, or Cortana a cloud based system to interpret your speech and convert it to text, and get some context out of the sentences. So after that point you are now translating a chat message. So you can do what google translate does and translates the text to an other text.

Then we take the speech synthesizers which we had for decades to speak the text back.

So I expect the lag will be like the lag we get on Cortana wait for the sentence to complete and parse the data and get a response.

Now I am not dissing on microsoft it is a good feature to have in skype. But the video made me sick to my stomach. Kids may have had that reaction if this technology was released in the 1990's. Because right now this is only an incremental logical next step feature... Not a breakthrough.


Godot Engine Reaches 1.0, First Stable Release 54

goruka writes "Godot, the most advanced open source (MIT licensed) game engine, which was open-sourced back in February, has reached 1.0 (stable). It sports an impressive number of features, and it's the only game engine with visual tools (code editor, scripting, debugger, 3D engine, 2D engine, physics, multi-platform deploy, etc) on a scale comparable to commercial offerings. As a plus, the user interface runs natively on Linux. Godot has amassed a healthy user community (through forums, Facebook and IRC) since it went public, and was used to publish commercial games in the Latin American and European markets such as Ultimo Carnaval with publisher Square Enix, and The Mystery Team by Sony Computer Entertainment Europe.

Comment Re:Unbelievable! (Score 4, Insightful) 191

Energy diversity.
Renewables are great sources of energy... But they are not perfect.
Fossil fuels have their problems, but they do complement the gaps that renewables have.

Renewables have the problem of portability. Some like wind and hydro electric needs to be located in the proper areas where they can get a reliable energy from. Others like solar do not offer 24/7 support. Batteries do not have the energy density that we get out of fossil fuel, and takes much longer to recharge.

Right now with our current technology I can see Renewables replacing many of the power plants out there. Which will do a big cut in greenhouse gas emissions. However cars will still need to be hybrid gas/electric either the Toyota Prius style or the Chevy Volt style.

The idea of moving the population to local cities where they can use public transportation especially in less dense areas like the United States, just won't happen. If you tell the population that they need to move from their houses which they have put a lot of money in, and live in an area the matches how they want to live and go to a crowed loud crime ridden city, will cause a lot of people to put a gun to your face, whether or not it is legal to have guns.

So really energy diversity is the key, the goal is to reduce emissions, not just cut them off until we can get better alternatives to a point where we will not need fossil fuel.

Comment Odd career choice. (Score 1) 31

You clearly have interests in engineering. With a Degree in engineering, and Art, you can probably get a good paying career in engineering, using Art to improve your engineering designs. However you choose the opposite route using engineering to improve your are in a career where there is a lot of risk of not getting your next paycheck.

Comment Re:No so easy as throwing money at it, is it? (Score 1) 47

Right now in this political environment, progress will only happen with the few crazy err umm eccentric folks. With the money and resources to attempt it.

Now unlike the government failure is an option. Branson lost a test ship, so he just as a PR issue to fix. If this happened on a government funded watch, you will have congressional hearing (which will never turn out good) The guy who can't point his finger down will take the blame. The next years budget will get cut.

Comment Re:bring back the green IBM 3270 (Score 1) 241

Ah yes Nostalgia Blinders!.

Guess what it is 2014 and I still have to work with 3270 mainframes. And it good old time.

1. New regulations means we need to add more and more to the screens. 80x24 gets filled fast, adding new screen pathways makes the program more cumbersome to use.

2. Bulk Imports are ugly. Using screen scraping to load bulk data because it is locked down where you can't access the data directly.

3. Changes are scary, one mistake effect the full work load.

Comment Re:But does it report artificially low ink levels? (Score 1) 270

Nobody wants DRM. The companies impose it on us to prevent unauthorized use.

I think for a coffee maker. The fact that they are trying to say which coffee you can and can't use is really stupid. Unless they show that ripoff k-cups somehow harm the system.

I know with Solid Ink Printers. You really need to use the branded ink. The cheap third party stuff has a slightly differing heating and cooling rate. Where over time they gum up the internals and you have a printer with solid ink stalagmites and stalactites on the inside.

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