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Comment Re:Crazy (Score 2) 778

Minimum wage is actually not the big of a deal.
Most Companies do not pay their employers minimum wage they pay them higher.
Minimum wage usually will go the the Teens first job, And other part time work.
For people who are working full time, they get paid above the minimum wage.
The exception is for Tip workers. Where these laws do not effect as much anyways.

Most of the growth activity is actually in areas that don't pay minimum wage anyways.

In short minimum wage laws do the following.
For the Democrats it make it look like they are looking out the little guy, with a law without any real benefit or cost.

For the Republicans it gives them a talking point against the democrats, explaining how they are not focusing on the big picture and trying to keep jobs.

Nither side is really that effective, or hazardous. Until you get a significant increase in wages. Say $20 minimum wage, where it would be enough for the low end workers to have a significant improvement in quality of life, however at the same time, making many jobs much to expensive to maintain, and force companies to find ways to improve efficiency or outsource.

Comment Re:Good. Now what about ads? (Score 4, Insightful) 139

I Want a game of decent quality, with no add, no in app purchase, no attempt to try to get you to purchase a full version, no attempt to try to upsell an other service and all free.

Heck why limit it to game or software. I want all my products for free with no strings attached. However I want to be sure my employer pays me for my job of writing software.

Comment Re:What? (Score 2) 382

People forget that United States is a Democratic Republic. Not a democracy.

Not all popular idea's will go out or should go out, just because the majority wills it. The point of a Democratic Republic, is the Citizens vote for people who will make the decisions, then these people should take a look at all the factors and make one.

However this hasn't been working well, because of the Party system, and too many voters are getting stuck on party ideals and less on voting for the person who would take your interests at heart.

Comment I thought it would be about opening a Brazil nut (Score 2) 58

I never stopped to think if the Brazil nut is on top, but more how the heck do I crack open the shell. A triangle is one of the strongest shapes. The Brazil nut shell is in a nice triangle. Thus my approach is smashing it to pieces, and eating the nut in little fragments.

Comment Re:Good (Score 2) 300

Because they are publicly traded, and that makes their HR policies extremely stupid.

Layoffs raise the stock price. Most stock holders are short term, so buy low, sell high. Layoffs mean the company is at its low, and with less expenses it may shortly make more, so in the next year you can sell the stock and make money.

Even though you loose a lot of talent, which will go their competitors.
When the company grows again you will then need to hire and retrain new people back. Costing on the average 150% more then if you just kept them employed.

What I hate more then just layoffs, is when they do blind layoffs, not really considering who is good and bad.

Comment Re:user error (Score 2) 710

Better technology doesn't work if you can't get the peoples behaviors to change so they use them as it was attended.

The Gas car, our behavior is to fuel it up once a week.
The Electric car, should be charged nightly. So people will need to change their behaviors to charge the car every night.

Power from the grid, means your house can be anywhere. Power from solar means your house will need to be in direct sunlight, so you may need to clear out some surrounding trees.

Get the idea of a perfect technology out of your head, the Star Trek Future isn't possible. Every technology comes with trade offs. In order to adapt to these trade offs our behaviors will need to be altered to use them.

Sometimes it feels like we are taking a step back, to get a more positive change.

Right now carbon pollution is a big problem, The problems of Green energy are not as big as the carbon problem, plus they are getting cheaper to use. So we need to alter our behaviors to deal with the tradeoffs so we can move forward.

Comment Re:Rather far north. (Score 1) 151

Pre-2000. Slashdot, had a lot less to do with anything political. It had more to do about Linux.
Then what happened was the Bush Administration came in. and the Liberal Biased Slashdot user got vocal, because their political ideals are not being met, because someone was in power who had different political ideals. So they went off Linux and more and more on political rants.

When this started we had a bunch of users dropping Slashdot and going to Digg. But Digg went downhill much faster then Slashdot, but Slashdot incorporated a lot of Diggs design elements. So a lot of stories now are political biased, because there is less editing and more posting what wins the thumbs up war. Which political polarizing stuff wins, because people have strong opinions on it.

Comment Re:So this means... (Score 1) 214

That argument probably isn't so true.
If you really wanted to see it, and there wasn't a black market channel to get it, you will probably go to other methods, Renting the DVD form the library, or buying it in the store. However a lot of the stuff you watch you probably won't take the extra step, because the movies are convenient that means you are watching more of them.

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