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Comment Re:Insightful fact... (Score 2, Informative) 289

When I was at university, one of the lecturers showed us the plagiarism detection tool. Sure, it gave you a percentage, but it also gave you some output showing the passages in the text vs. what the program thought those passages had been taken from. He showed that most of the things that the tool had detected there were inconsequential, on the paper he was using for the demonstration.

Comment Re:He should go to prison, but not for... (Score 1) 590

That is a slide towards corporate government, commonly known as Fascism.

Corporatism doesn't mean that corporations take over the government. It's a political/economic system where groups of people are held to be the basic units of society, rather than individuals. These groups (which can include unions and the like) are referred to as corporations, but not in the sense of publicly traded limited liability companies, but in the sense of the Catholic Church being a "corporate entity." These corporations could have some kind of official representation, and could be tied to some state-granted monopoly. Under Fascism in Italy, these entities were mere extensions of the state, and bowed to its wishes. In other countries that have practised corporatism, such as Australia, it has taken a softer tone: there "the accord" had unions promising wage restraint in exchange for greater welfare commitments. In this case, as in others, it was more an extension of collective bargaining, which can occur alongside a relatively free, capitalist country.

Comment Re:Why do this? (Score 1) 214

Authoritarian policies are permanently pushed by the various gov't departments (particularly the Home Office), for a number of reasons that are easy to guess. When they get their way, it is because the respective minister is too weak/naive to stand up to them. For instance, Charles Clarke and David Blunkett, both seen as very authoritarian Home Secretaries, have all given statements expressing quite different views... when out of office. They were essentially inept ministers, not authoritarian ones.

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