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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 16 declined, 6 accepted (22 total, 27.27% accepted)


Submission + - FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE Now Available (freebsd.org)

cperciva writes: "FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE, the first release from the new 7-STABLE branch of FreeBSD development, has been released. FreeBSD 7.0 brings with it many new features including support for ZFS, journaled filesystems, and SCTP, as well as dramatic improvements in performance and SMP scalability. In addition to being available from many FTP sites, ISO images can be downloaded via the BitTorrent tracker, or for users of earlier FreeBSD releases, FreeBSD Update can be used to perform a binary upgrade."

Submission + - FreeBSD 6.3-RELEASE now available (freebsd.org)

cperciva writes: "FreeBSD 6.3-RELEASE, the fourth release from the highly successful 6-STABLE branch of FreeBSD development, has been released. In addition to being available from many FTP sites, ISO images can be downloaded via the BitTorrent tracker, or for users of earlier FreeBSD releases, FreeBSD Update can be used to perform a binary upgrade."

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