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Comment Re:Would it matter? (Score 1) 576

If the objective is to obliterate us, they don't even need to invade. A relativistic warhead fired from another star system would do the trick. Any invasion scenario implies that they would at least want to keep the biosphere in a habitable condition. Which presents some opportunity for guerrilla tactics.

Comment Re:Sweet F A (Score 1) 576

The technology needed for space travel would not be the same for all worlds and all species. Imagine a species that evolved on a Titan-like moon. Low gravity means that they could put large payloads into orbit with less energy. If they had a longer lifespan than humans or a natural means of suspended animation, then interstellar distances are not so insurmountable.

In fact, a race of space-faring tardigrades from a low-gravity moon sounds like a good start for a novel.

Comment Enforcment? (Score 2) 90

Let's say commercial drones becomes common technology. How do they tell which drones are being flow by licensed operators and which ones aren't?

Maybe they could require registration for commercially purchased drones. But what stops me from building a drone in my garage and zipping it around the neighborhood?

Comment Re:Well That About Wraps It Up For God (Score 1) 755

The God in the Bible, particularly the Old Testament, is a physical being that is physically seen by the people like Moses. He communicates with people and performs miracles to prove his existence and power. Strangely, he is not omniscient and not all powerful. There are several times when God is tricked, negotiated with, shown to have incomplete knowledge or had his power overcome. The Bible is also clear that other gods exist and they do have power, but God of Abraham is simply the most powerful.

The Bible is kind of a crazy book that has very little to do with what's taught modern Churches. You really should read it some time.

Comment Re:Well That About Wraps It Up For God (Score 1) 755

Your hypothetical higher being is interesting, but completely different than the "God" described in the Bible and most other religious works. That's half the problem with these arguments: as soon as science reaches a point where it really can disprove "God", the believers change their definition to something more obscure and intangible. You are now describing something so abstract that its completely meaningless either way.

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