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Comment Re:It's getting hotter still! (Score 1) 635

A complete rhetorical toolbox should have more options than just logical arguments or expletive insults. Especially since the argument that you're making isn't purely logical. True that proving the existence and causes of global warming is a purely logical and scientific argument. But determining the effect of global warming on human society is speculative, at best. And asking people do something about it is a political, economic and emotional issue. You need to make your arguments on those terms or your cause will fail.

Comment Re:Uber Fresh? (Score 1) 139

You're still not making a case for why a pharmacist is needed. Lethal drug combinations and be checked against a database. Immunizations can be done by a nurse. Making judgement calls on "over-serving" a prescription is exactly what every bartender is required to do. Where is the critical thinking that merits a six figure job?

Comment Re:Are you serious or joking? (Score 1) 635

That's just factually incorrect


Next you're going to argue that he earned that through activities unrelated to global warming. But maintaining a high profile is half the game to getting on all those boards. And global warming is how Al Gore maintains his high profile. Apple sure didn't hire him for his insight into circuit board layouts.

Comment Re:It's getting hotter still! (Score 1, Insightful) 635

Its funny how people like you manage to be pompous and dismissive despite being on the losing side. Do you think AGW is a real threat? Do you think that policy should be enacted to counter it? Then you need to get off your high horse and address the concerns of the people opposed to you. Calling people "fuckwits" isn't exactly the convincing logical argument that you think it is.

Comment Re:It's getting hotter still! (Score 5, Insightful) 635

Bringing up Al Gore does prove something. That there exists powerful people who have exaggerated the impact of climate change in order to accumulate further power and wealth. Of course, this doesn't change any scientific facts, but its an important consideration when evaluating any proposed policy changes.

Comment Re:What this proves is: (Score 1) 635

You remind me of the joke where a physicist tries to predict horse races by modelling the horses as solid sphere moving through a vacuum. Those tests are sufficient for a uniform body within a glass jar. As soon as you add water (in all of its phases and conditions), minerals, plants and everything else that makes Earth interesting, the conditions are must be tested become much more complicated.

Comment Re:and they picked a lemon state (Score 1) 194

Are we to seriously believe Nevada thought it was entirely acceptable for the vehicle to come to a complete standstill in construction traffic?

Why wouldn't that be entirely acceptable? A construction zone means that traffic can come to complete standstill at any time, even on the freeway. Having autonomous cars momentarily stop and switch to manual control shouldn't be any more of a problem than other impediments due to construction.

Comment Re:Not the end... (Score 1) 789

NATO did not agree to defend to Ukraine. In the Budapest Memorandum http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B..., Russia, the US and the UK agreed to respect Ukraine's sovereignty and refrain from interfering with their internal affairs in exchange for nuclear disarmament. But there was no provision for providing for Ukraine's defense. Now, arguably, Russia may have broken that agreement, but there's no provision for enforcing the treaty either.

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