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Comment Re:Drake (Score 1) 77

I disagree. One of the implicit assumptions of the Drake equation is that systems that did have planets would have a high probability of configurations similar to ours. What has actually been found is that number of different planetary configurations is much greater than we ever imagined. The number of microstates in the partition function has gone up so the probability of finding any particular state has gone down.

Comment Re:Ultra-intelligent but utterly useless. (Score 4, Insightful) 254

Why would life be boring? If computers could make the big decisions, it would free up mental effort the same way mechanical machines freed up physical labor. People on one end of the spectrum could spend their time on leisure and recreation. People on the higher end of the spectrum could pursue intellectual and creative efforts.

Comment Re:Wow (Score 1) 888

You are just inventing problems. If everyone has tons of free time to commit to artistic pursuits, like painting or cooking, then there's going to be so many pieces of art and fine meals that even these things will cease to be scarce.

Comment Re:Clueless about the past (Score 4, Insightful) 888

It wasn't all that different than it is now aside from some of the technology advances.

You are dismissing a lot of important changes with that sentences. Washing machine, dryers, dishwashers, vacuum cleaners, central heating and AC: these are important time and laborsaving devices that were unheard of 100 years ago, but taken for granted today. Indoor plumbing and electricity were still rare in rural areas.

And don't even start with 200 years ago. Any lower-middle class American has a better quality of life than Napoleon did 200 years ago. In 1812, even king and emperors were literally wading through shit. The Palace of Versailles is a gilded tenement building.

Comment Re:An ode to wankery (Score 1) 846

According to the second chart, the number global warming papers is growing exponentially each year! By the year 2100, our cities will be flooded with papers on global warming. Crops will fail because global warming papers will blot out the sun. We need to end global warming research now, before it's too late.

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