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Comment Re:Who Gives a Fuck, Which Shares Better? (Score 2) 174

I remember when the previous gen released all my friends were extremely excited about picking up the xbox 360. This time around none of us actually gives a fuck. We might/probably pick one or the other once a few good games come out (maybe late next year) but definitely in no rush. It seems they are really pushing all this other shit when all I want are good fucking games. But neither console has even one game that is close to appealing...

Comment Re:If it is simple use (Score 1) 408

This is definitely a viable option. My mother uses her tablet almost exclusively. She will occasionally use her computer for an occasional task (such as writing a complex document, or managing photos from her digital camera) but other then that she only uses her tablet.

Another option is Windows 8 which I have done for my grandmother. While I cannot stand the Winodws 8 interface it can actually make sense for certain people. My grandmother does 2 things, write documents and checks emails. So I have 3 tiles on the interface - Mail app, Open Office App, and Shut Down Computer icon. Also disable admin rights. When I did switch her to Windows 8 I suppose I could have switched her to linux instead, but didn't want to bother as I am sure it would have been a lot more support calls on my end.

Comment Cheap for us (Score 1) 191

Now I work for a small company, we used to colo two servers but our host sucked (a lot of downtime) although it was cheap, we then looked in more reliable hosts, but was going to be way more expensive
We then looked at amazon. It was 1/3 of the price as our existing colo (not as much computing power but enough for us) and up time has been way better,.
Our bill is now similar to what we were paying, but we also now have 8 servers running vs the two before. We use micro instances for 6 of our servers, and medium instance for the others. I do imagine with the bigger servers the cost would start going up.. but for a small company, cloud computing is extremely cost effective.

Comment Re:because (Score 1) 299

True, but I guess my issue is that I log into websites from home, work, multiple mobile devices, friends house.
Now I haven't done very much (well any) research into these applications, but I would need something that is compatible with all of those device, and preferably one that I don't need to lug around on a usb key (which can be lost/stolen)
I may decide to look into it, because I can't be the only one with these requirements, so I assume solutions exist

Comment Re:because (Score 0) 299

Yes but then they disclose it which means I can go and change the passwords on the other sites.
I agree this isnt the best most secure method, but at the same time I need it to be reasonable where it doesn't take me a minute every time I want to log in. It's a shitty dance between convenience vs security.

Comment Re:because (Score 4, Interesting) 299

Here is the problem: You constantly hear about don't use the same password on every site. Ok, makes sense, except that a lot of people have login information to 100+ websites. Sure that are tools like keepass or lastpass or whatever, but then you just need to break 1 password to have access to them all
Then you get redicoulous requirements on some websites, like can't use special characters, can't be longer than 10 chars. Why? You should be using a hashing algo which means special characters or max length shouldn't matter (within reason)

I have about 4 passwords
My low security one where I do not give a shit if people hack my account eg slashdot/most forums
Medium security - Password for sites I care a little about and that contain some personal information eg, some forums, some online shopping sites that don't store cc info, etc
High security - Mostly used for sites that are used for purchasing things and that have linked CC info to it
Very High security - Used for financial institutions

This way I always know when I go to a site which password it uses.

However, I have been thinking about changing slightly how I do my passwords... the base password will always stay the same, but I may prepend or append the the first 3 characters of the sites name or something (maybe not quite this obvious). This may increase security of password a little, as well as benefit of most passwords being unique.. but not sure how much it increases the security by

Comment Cheaper (Score 1) 495

Seriously, how does the high end phones cost as much as they do? Most PCs are cheaper. I know a bunch of R&D goes into these things, but damn...
If the phones weren't "subsidized" on contract I bet they would be 1/2 the price they are now.

Comment Re:Should be legal, with caveat (Score 1) 961

I just went through this 2 weeks ago, my grandfather had a brain hemorrhage and doctors said he had 25% chance of making it, and if he did make it he would be in a vegetative state for the rest of his life. He had no gag reflexes so he was hooked up to an IV for fluids. The doctors advised pulling the IV which would result in his death within 3-7 days
My grandmother made the choice of pulling the IV. So basically he died of dehydration 7 days later, he was in constant pain. How is this better than putting him down?

I decided to ask my friend (an MD) about his opinion

He said as a person I completely agree with having the option of being "euthanized".
However, as a doctor I completely disagree with euthanasia as an option.

His reason for as a doctor was because he lives by the code of ethics and he is suppose to be healing people not killing them. He said even though obviously you cannot heal the people in this state, it is still quite a bit of a difference between passively letting someone die and actively killing them, and he doesn't want that responsibility.

I don't agree with what he said, but I understand, you could always have doctors that specialize in it...

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