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Comment Re:Meh. (Score 1) 247

The german article about the nordic bronce age is here:
And this article clearly states that "a bronce age warmth period" is a rumour and lacks so far any evidence.

FYI, as a Swede I studied enough German in school to conclusively tell you that you're misrepresenting what the article is saying.

More on the Bronze Age warm period:

Comment Re:Meh. (Score 1) 247

I'm quite sure you believe that. It's not true, however. Those warm periods are well documented not only in climate proxies but also in documented human history. As a Scandinavian, they're integral to our culture since those were the periods of prosperity.

You might want to ask yourself what has caused you to believe differently, and how the above information will change your beliefs now.

Scandinavia and the Roman Warm Period and Medieval Warm Period:

Scandinavia and the Bronze Age Warm Period:

You're also wrong about Röde Viking and Greenland btw, and I suggest looking into the archeological dig around the frozen viking village for more insight.

Comment Re:And the trumpeting doesn't help (Score 1) 247

My data set is my window. It's been hotter than hell.

I'm sure you can cherry pick all sorts of graphs about the frequencies of particular types of storm events. Big deal.

See, I have issues with anecdotes as evidence. I'm also quite sure I don't do any cherry picking - I really want you to show me a dataset that indicated our current weather is unusual over long time scales. As for temperatures in the US, the 30s is a good match.

This is a list over different records for different US states and when they were set. I think you'll find it interesting:

Comment Re:Please read the fine print (Score 1) 75

I'd suspect that this film has already been paid for (by Mojang) and that this way of distributing it is a toungue-in-cheek snarky way of making fun of the current asinine state of copyright law.

Considering the creator of Minecraft and founder of Mojang is a Pirate Party member I'm not sure how much toungue-in-cheek is needed.

Comment Re:Meh. (Score 1) 247

There are indeed several indications that the sea level has been more than a foot higher in recent history:

If the port was bustling 2000 years ago it is reasonable to suppose that tidal access was less
limited then than it is today-or was at least as good. Consequently the evidence suggests that
in 350BC there was probably a little more water than exists today in order for it to be a
worthwhile place to ship cargo from, and therefore current ocean volume (glacier melt and
thermal expansion) is less now than then, to take into account the known land changes.

“The North Sea had a nasty little jump between 350 and 550AD, flooding the coasts of
northern Europe with an extra 2 feet of water and sending its inhabitants — folk known
as Angles and Saxons — fleeing (although “conquering” might be the better word) into
ill-prepared Roman territories.

The results
indicate that during the Byzantine period, sea level at Caesarea was higher by about 30
cm than today. The Late Moslem and Crusader data shows greater fluctuations but the
data sets are also much smaller than for the earlier periods.”

Wave-cut notches along the seaward shoreline confirm a site-specific
rheological model for the northern the Red Sea that indicates a sea-level highstand (~1
m above present MHW) during or immediately prior to occupation.
... etc.

Quotes from here - click for citations.

Comment Re:Meh. (Score 1) 247

Greenland has never had significantly less ice than it has now in at least 6 or 7 thousand years

For various definitions of "significant", of course. In this context we're comparing today and the MWP.

I live in Scandinavia and as far as we're concerned the Medieval Warm Period, the Roman Warm Period and the Bronze Age Warm Period were warmer than we are currently. Thus, likely less ice in Greenland as well.

Comment Re:And the trumpeting doesn't help (Score 1) 247

Comment Re:Study shows anything can happen (Score 1) 247

there is much less outright AGW denial on slashdot

Anyone who believes there exists such a things as "denial" (and that there's oil funded denial "machine") is not doing science but is following a religion. Apparently one Slashdot editor is as well, since each and every "the sky is falling" study gets reported here - but not the multitude of published scientific evidence that points to all existing models having overestimated the actual feedbacks.

I like this study, by Keith Briffa. A previous study of his was used in creating the latest "IPCC hockey stick", and has been well publicised all over the world. Briffa himself has now released that there were errors in the previous study, and now that he's updated it with proper math the hockey stick is gone.

The way to differentiate people doing science from those following a religion is in how they react to what I just wrote above. A scientist goes "hey, that's interesting". A religious fanatic starts spouting things like "denier!" and "it's worse than we thought ANYWAY".

Comment Re:Detail (Score 1) 230

I was a demo coder in the 80s/90s. If you released a demo with effects running at half framerate ("2 VBL", 25/30fps) you got laughed at. Fluid motion was only available at full framerate (288/240p videomodes, "1 VBL", 50/60fps).

Everyone can perceive the difference between 30 and 60 fps.

Comment Re:crowdfunding for this fight! (Score 2) 245

Much much better is for everyone who consider this court abuse by BPI to join their local Pirate Party. We're represented in over 40 countries, and if there isn't one in yours you're welcome to copy what you need from another Pirate Party to get started ;)

Disclaimed: I'm a proud board member of the Swedish Pirate Party. Changing the world, one byte at a time.

Comment Re:Onanism (Score 1) 245

Please do show me where it's been so mortally debunked. As a producer with copyright (an author of short scifi stories), I can take my words and ideas, and sell them to people who want to read/hear/otherwise-consume them

I'd suggest talking to the leader of the Swedish Pirate Party, Anna Troberg, about this. She's also a published author, and she held the same view as you did before she decided to study the subject. After having done so, she became a Pirate Party member and subsequently its leader.

You'll find the full story here. If you have further questions, I'm quite sure she would be happy to answer them.

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