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Comment Re:Gull-wing doors on an SUV? (Score 1) 136

Is it me or is this a really stupid idea? Just making the doors gull wing prevents you from putting: luggage on top, ski racks, bike racks on roof, etc. You know, the kind of things people would do with an SUV or crossover...

All those things would reduce the mileage on the vehicle. Maybe the gullwing doors are a clever plot to prevent people from ruining the aerodynamics, and thus the mileage, of the vehicle. Being electric this is a very important factor.

Comment Re:objective list (Score 2) 231

Note that Aristotle outranks Plato, who then outranks Socrates by a huge margin. Considering that the influence of one upon the other is _exactly backwards,_ I do agree that this list may be an _unordered_ list of very influential people, but it certainly is not an _ordered_ list. Thus there is no #1.

Comment Re:A Formula only an Actuary could Love (Score 1) 422

If I was in my early 20's, I'd probabbly think I was 'leet'
Now in my mid 40's, I'd probabbly fire whomever wrote it.

The truth is, that Excel cell reminds me of a Bash monstrosity that I banged out a few weeks ago to test once per hour the state of a MySQL database to see if a long-running DDL query had finished, and then to run another (complex and long-running) DDL query. This one-liner included a for loop, a while loop, two SQL queries, sleep, grep, sort, awk, and some other bits and pieces. At the time I thought it 1337 as well, but looking back at it I recognize it for the hack that it was.

However, Bash commands are inherently ephemeral whereas the Excel function would likely have been continued to be used for years down the road. This is where the difference between "don't need to be maintained" and "cannot be maintained" manifest!

Comment Re:I believe it because.. (Score 2) 291

Traveling with kids isn't that hard. You can get a backpack with a kid seat that will work till they are about five. When they are eight, they can walk fast enough to keep up. So that is only a three year window when they are too heavy to carry and too slow to walk. My daughter was born in California. My son was born in Shanghai. They have both been to five continents, and both speak three languages (English, Mandarin, and Spanish). When they grow up, they will have an international perspective, and can be a bridge between cultures. Kids will only hold you back if you use them as an excuse not to go.

When you get to Israel contact me! My daughters have been on 9+ hour flights across oceans and have never been a problem on an airplane, car, boat, or train. I would love for them to meet your children and they have one language in common, though from experience children don't even need a single common language to play and make friends. Adults would do good to learn from them.

Comment Re:Good luck on that... he won't appear (Score 2) 304

Regardless of my actual ethnicity or religion, if my last name ended in ...berg I wouldn't go anywhere near Iran.

"Berg" is a common German family name. Both the Germans and the Iranians are the Aryan race. Thus, the "Berg" families would be closer to the Iranians than most other westerners.

Note that the nation changed its English name from Persia to Iran at the insistence of Nazi Germany, to identify itself with Aryan pride (before the second world war). The words Aryan and Iran are cognate.

Comment Re:Auto-save is NOT your friend (Score 1) 521

A properly implemented auto-save feature does not overwrite the original document; it saves a secondary copy, to be used only if the system crashes and you need to recover your edits.

This is what MS Office does. Of course, no one here uses MS Office, so that's not much help...

This is what Open Office and LibreOffice do as well.

Comment Re:Does it really matter? (Score 1) 203

Correct me if I am wrong but couldn't that have been inertia?

No, not inertia:
1/2 * m * v^2 = dH * m * g

Simplified for this particular case:
dH = v^2 / 2g

Note that it doesn't really matter in which direction v is pointed, and if he is using wings to convert horizontal velocity to vertical velocity, he will also suffer a large friction penalty.

Comment Re:Spy games (Score 1) 245

Thank you, I was unaware of the Tundra orbit until now.

Molniya orbits typically do not have the optical resolution to find smaller objects that are in motion, due to their altitude. I don't know if the current generation is capable of spotting an airliner, especially in an area that is not of current interest where additional system resources would be spent. However I doubt it!

I would suspect that Tundra orbits would have worse optical resolution than Molniya orbits, seeing how they orbit even farther out than do the Molniya orbits.

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