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Comment There are two problems here: halting Ebola & f (Score 1) 384

Ebola is a real issue that must be address. It is growing exponentially, and the epidemic must be controlled and halted by an international cooperation before it either becomes a) endemic or b) pandemic.

People are scared by the very real numbers alone, the mere mention of those numbers, and the uncertainty of the statistics themselves, in part because they don't understand 1st) probability and 2nd) medicine.

When you point out that we shouldn't have to worry for at least another year, and that along the way there will be clear signs as to whether the situation is getting better or is worsening, giving us time to prepare, then they freak out even more, when it should actually satiate their fear, because it proves their fear of a slight chance of immediate threat is misplaced. It's as if a longer range perspective where we have time to watch and judge and plan makes them feel like the inevitability of an approaching disaster is more certain, when it's not.

Comment Re:Over-emphasizing (Score 1) 98

Thanks for correcting some of my semantics. :)

My point was that Python is a VM-backed language, similar to the JVM (more correctly, similar but lacking JIT), and unless you hit the GIL it performs quite well. Same as with Perl.

Here is Python's VM:

I'll attempt to agree with your Java sentiment by saying that Java only became worth a damn in 1.5.

Today it is respectable for a number of use-cases. My favorite use-case is JAX-RS 2.0. Anyone who writes REST interfaces in Node.js or almost anything else just likes to type a lot of unnecessary lines of code, manually injecting request parameters into business logic and manually creating encoded responses, etc. (Webmachine in Erlang, Ruby or Python is almost as respectable as JAX-RS 2.0 & Jersey.) In JAX-RS 2.0, my same web-annotated business objects and structure-annotated value objects can serve application/xml, application/json and application/x-www-form-urlencoded inputs and outputs without me having to write a single line of plumbing or conversion code, letting me focus on the business logic and domain object model alone.

In the event processing system I referred to, we rewrote it in Java and acheived many improvements in speed over Python (due to our I/O bound multithreading and, of course, avoiding IPC-in-Python along the way, which would have helped, as you say).

FWIW, Puppet is moving from Ruby to JRuby... I'm not a huge JVM fanboy, but it has its benefits on occassion, especially if you can avoid all instances of legacy code and legacy APIs. (Java has a done a better job of learning from their mistakes, but the mistakes linger in legacy code.)

PS: It is not well-known, but it is possible to do reified generics in Java with some hackery (with concrete anonymous abstract classes), if you really need some C++ template love in your codebase.

Nice chatting!

Comment Over-emphasizing "scripted" or "scripting" (Score 1) 98

CPython is a compiler. It compiles Python source code to Python bytecode, and the Python runtime executes the compiled bytecode.

CPython has one major weakness, the GIL (global interpreter lock). I've seen the GIL harm high-throughput, multi-threaded event processing systems not dissimilar from the one you describe.

If you must insist on Python and want to avoid multi-threaded I/O bound weaknesses of the GIL, then use Jython.

Comment Re:Who is in charge (Score 1) 279

And here are the World Health Organization's regularly updated situation reports: []

Growth rate is down to 87%, that's from 100% last month and 133% the month before.

At 87% population growth rate, it would consume the world in about 3 years...

Comment Information Theoretic password strength meter (Score 1) 549

Somewhere along the line, about when Fedora's Anaconda installer UI was redesigned, Fedora introduced an information theoretic password strength meter that measures apparent bits of randomness.

Here it is in use in the Anaconda source:

Here is its official site:

It would appear this information theoretic meter has made its way into Ubuntu and Arch.

Comment Actually, YES. (Score 0) 448

Actually the kill switches and degradation modes and remote control overrides are well known... Check Pakistani intelligence, for example. They know their radar systems are degraded and remotely hackable, they know their F16s are degraded and remotely decomissionable, but they are still better than anything else Pakistan can get.

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