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Comment Re:Explain this to a non-Americal please.. (Score 1) 182

Your questions suggest you're more familiar with a parliamentary system of government where (per Wikipedia) "the executive branch derives its democratic legitimacy from, and is held accountable to, the legislature (parliament); the executive and legislative branches are thus interconnected." In such systems, a majority party (or a coalition) forms a government and from this selects/appoints a top executive (Prime Minister) almost certainly from that party.

Another example of the wiki being wrong, at least as far as Westminster based Parliamentary systems. The executive is the Crown or her representative, eg the Governor General or in the case of Canadian Provinces, the Lieutenant Governor. Parliament (or Provincial Legislature) passes a bill, much like Congress though generally the Upper House has been neutered or eliminated, and when the Bill gets Royal Assent, it becomes law. In theory Royal Assent can be refused resulting in a veto, but in practice it almost never happens (over 300 years in England). The executive also does a few other things such as appointing the government based on which ever party or coalition can pass a budget, no budget, no government, usually resulting in an election, occasionally a different coalition.
In practice, with a majority, due to party solitary, the PM can act like a dictator until the next election as his party will pass most any law the PM proposes/supports and the executive will follow the recommendations of Parliament.
Further, in Canada at least, the courts and especially the Supreme Court acts much like the American courts and Supreme Court and can declare laws (or parts of) null and void due to the Constitutionality. In the recent past and I believe even today in New Zealand, Parliament was Supreme and could pass almost any law

Comment Re:Punish those that do not readily condemn?!?! (Score 1) 219

We'll never really know if he was planning on going to Syria or if he really wanted to get clean and being a crackhead he may well not known as well. As for what the police believe, well they're going to parrot the prevailing current meme that all Muslims are terrorists and all terrorists are Muslim.

Comment Re:Communism requires strict govt control by defin (Score 1) 206

You mean like the USSR, the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics? Generally what there are are a bunch of countries using (claiming) socialism to strive for communism and it is the propaganda that labels them communist. Socialism like so many political ideologies, comes in many forms and when implemented in countries with a history of authoritarianism usually ends up authoritarian. Similarly countries with a history of freedom usually end up more free.

Comment Re:Communism requires strict govt control by defin (Score 1) 206

You must have checked out a few definitions before finding that one. From Google,

noun: communism; noun: Communism; plural noun: Communisms

        a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.

From dictionary.reference.com

communism definition. An economic and social system envisioned by the nineteenth-century German scholar Karl Marx. In theory, under communism, all means of production are owned in common, rather than by individuals (see Marxism and Marxism-Leninism).

From thefreedictionary.com

A theoretical economic system characterized by the collective ownership of property and by the organization of labor for the common advantage of all members.

Then we get your definition and after we get from wikipedia,

Communism (from Latin communis – common, universal) is a socioeconomic system structured upon the common ownership of the means of production and characterized by the absence of social classes, money, and the state; as well as a social, political and economic ideology and movement that aims to establish this social ...

Then from www.businessdictionary.com

Communism (from Latin communis – common, universal) is a socioeconomic system structured upon the common ownership of the means of production and characterized by the absence of social classes, money, and the state; as well as a social, political and economic ideology and movement that aims to establish this social ...

These were all displayed by Google when searching for "define communism" and I'm too lazy to add all the proper URLs Note that a couple of these definitions include "no state"

Comment Re:?!?!? San Marino half as communist as the US (Score 1) 206

San Marino elected a communist government. Later they voted them out. Seems the communists didn't take all their rights away which is the question you asked, which country has been communist and retained their rights.
You seem to be thinking of feudalism, where the government did own everything including the labourers.

Comment Re:Protectionism never works (Score 1) 484

(if we were to assume for the moment that the US government works for the welfare of the American people)

That's a pretty big assumption. The people don't pay the large campaign costs. The people don't supply the well paying jobs doing nothing for the politicians after their public service is done. At that the idea of helping people is a left-wing idea and anti-American.

Comment Re:USSR, China, Cuba, Cambodia. Counter-example? (Score 1) 206

San Marino, the oldest republic in the world. The problem with all your examples is they were authoritarian states that became communist, not democracies with a history of personal freedoms. As Russia and China show, becoming a democracy in Russia's case or a corporatist in China's place didn't change the authoritarian aspect of their governments. Lots of authoritarian governments have been right wing as well, look at the middle east and at various times most of Central and South America. Was the common Cuban more free in 1958?

Comment Re:Communism requires strict govt control by defin (Score 3, Insightful) 206

By definition, communism is government control of productive capacity

Are people this uninformed? by definition communism does not have a government. As others have pointed out, there has never been a communist nation state, just socialist and socialism comes in many varieties form authoritarian to libertarian, government ownership to things like co-ops and credit unions.
The problem is the huge amount of successful propaganda that has been used on the people of America and that it has leaked to the rest of the world. Propaganda like Obama empowering the insurance industry even more by implementing a right wing medical system is socialist or communist.

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