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Comment Re:There are limits to freedom of speach (Score 1) 489

In common law jurisdictions (98+% of the USA, Louisiana is the exception), Judges can make law. This was especially true at the time the American Constitution was written as there was a shortage of statutes.
Examples of a Judge being able to limit speech include contempt of court where a person can be locked up indefinitely for speech. Restraining orders, where if you bother me enough with speech, I may be able to get an order for you to stay away from me, backed by the force of the law including jail. Various other forms of injunctions can also be issued by courts to limit speech.
As for the President, at least as Commander in Chief of the armed forces, he has the power to tell his subordinates to shut up, order no talking back to officers and perhaps order no talking to the enemy. All limitations on speech.

Comment Re:There are limits to freedom of speach (Score 2) 489

There is a big difference between someone making an empty threat about killing you and someone making the same online threat and including your real life address, the school that your kids go to including their route and such.
You also don't seem to understand that the first amendment only banned congress from passing laws limiting speech. Nothing about other levels of government including the courts (common law) or even the President (as CiC he can limit soldiers speech rights).
It can be argued that the 14th amendment expands the first amendment to all forms of government but it is not clear and the fact that the 14th amendment was passed with federal soldiers holding guns on the members of state legislatures to force its passage makes it questionable anyways.
All rights are limited, the famous example is your right to swing your fist stopping where my face is. Security of person is as much of a right as free speech and serious threats against your person can be unlawful.
Now it can be argued that this law is too broad and I'm inclined to agree but if someone is making credible threats they are crossing a line.

Comment Re:Ahhhh.... (Score 2) 489

His use was correct. Liberals are the first to demand everyone else walk on egg shells when their feelings get hurt.

A Libertarian will be the ones trying to remove such laws.

Yet it is right wing governments bringing in these laws. My right wing government loves increasing jail sentences, creating new crimes, expanding spying on their own citizens and the libertarian part stays quiet as long as their are tax cuts promised and certain parts of government are shrunk.

Comment Re:Let me get this right (Score 1) 839

Of course corporations pay tax and if we lowered their actual tax rate to zero and increased the workers tax rate to 70% (number pulled our of my ass) the corporation would have to pay the workers quadruple what the actual worker keeps, whether the corporation is profitable or not. And no matter what the tax setup is they'll charge as much as possible.

Comment Re:Telling quote (Score 1) 304

Once you've been cohabiting for a year (may vary on jurisdiction) you're considered married in common law. If you've bought stuff as a couple such as a house or have children, splitting can be much the same as divorce. The opposite can also be true, if married but not owning anything substantial, with no kids, divorce can be pretty simple.

Comment Re:Go Ross, Go! (Score 1) 208

>If someone is in chronic pain, whether physical or mental and a drug as cheap to manufacture and as safe as heroin is cheaply available, does it matter if they become addicted?

something about the cure being as bad as the disease.

Besides being addictive, clean pure heroin is a safe drug, side affects are constipation and drowsiness. It's safe enough that my aunt was given it for childbirth (last one in Canada).
What is the hangup about being addictive? I'm addicted to air, water, food and even things like company. Then there are the drugs such as coffee that I'm addicted to and yet coffee is not demonized.

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