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Comment Re:Another Goverment Run (Score 5, Informative) 83

Except that Oracle had control on some of the healthcare sites for larger states and delivered a working product on time; also Oracle was part of the team that was brought in to fix the main site and are credited by Obama himself for getting that working.
Oregon is just an example of poor management, from picking the products to use before having requirements, using the wrong type of contract, and then not doing proper check and those checks that were done were ignored by the government management.

Comment Re:Another Goverment Run (Score 1) 83

Looked this up and they were off by a under three months. They were suppose to deliver the four computers by August and it did not happen until October.
One major difference between this and what Oregon didn't do was the for that contract they had well designed requirements(according to the people doing the work) the company that was awarded the contract was expected to deliver a working product(something not in the Oregon contract) and there was contract management.

Comment Re:I'll take the USPS over Comcast (Score 1) 208

Again for account purposes yes they should be, for the amount of money they have to actually have to pay future dues owned to employees is less then the amount other government organizations do. Also the USPS is a government organization they just have a some laws that give them some independance; those same laws gave them the responsibility to care for thier employees seperatly from the government norm; something management failed to plan for until forced to.

For financial years 2007 to 2013 the USPS had a total loss of around $40 billion, if they did not have to pay the money to make sure thier current employees were set for health insurance at retirement it would of been a loss of $8 billion. Except for a few times they have not paid into the future health care fund. The future needs of thier employees does not factor into them not having a profit.
It is a lie, everyone has access to thier earning and the laws governing it; and if interested in the topic could easily read them It got started by USPS management wanting the US public to pick up the responsibities that the USPS said they would cover for thier employees so they could continue business as normal with no care. It is the same reason USPS management is wanting to dump its employees totally into obamacare at retirement and not pay any insurance costs for them.
If the USPS differences under law are to considered to be a standard it is a low one, if you say the standard requirement of governement agencies is an A then the standard required from the USPS is a C. They are not required to care about future needs as much as other governement agencies, they do now have to keep accounting planning to the higher standards but don't have to actually use the knowledge.
This is not USPS delivery this is about making sure employees have the health care they worked for at retirement BTW except for a few places, that I very rarely do business with, I require that all packages I get come through USPS.

Comment Re:I'll take the USPS over Comcast (Score 1) 208

Please stop reading posting this lie.
Go read the laws, they were not required to pre-finance for 75 year, the 75 years is what is required by the government for calcuating future needs it is for ACCOUNTING purposes only, no money has to saved based on this. The 75 years is used by other governent organizations ranging from IRS, DoD, HUD, CIA, FBI ,etc, etc,etc.
THe post office was required to start pre-funding for the expect life after retiring which is around 20 years. And the reason for that is that the USPS was not planning and just taking money out each year to cover insurance costs for their retires; and with profits decreasing the financial forecast was they would not beable to continue this without taking precaustions. So the real question is why do the people that keep repeating this HATE the retired employees of the postal services that you want to place them in a position where the money need for benefits they worked for are not available?
BTW pull up the actual numbers release by the USPS and those and not the numbers you find in that link you posted.

Comment Re:Good, time to kill net neutrality. (Score 1) 341

Not under the EU proposal or under most bills proposed elsewhere.
Lets take the three initial example I brought up:
For the email:
The initial EU proposal did have some language that would of allowed ISPs to continue to do block SPAM that was removed. Even under the initial proposal an ISP could of only deleted the email if I gave them specific permission or it was a "serious crime", is herbal viagra email a "serious crime"

The block of web attacks, lets say a DDOS.
I would guess most people would consider that a temporary or exceptional traffic condition, in which case the ISP would be allow block the traffic to minimize the interruption however they have to do that to all traffic of the same type.
For schools blocking various sites, in the USA most schools are considered as ISPs not sure how Europe is, the EU proposal would prevent ISPs from blocking or discriminating between equivalent services and sites; no matter the legality or desire of the customer unless you get a court order. The EU proposal does allow for speciality services to be treated differently.
There are a bunch of nice things in the EU proposal that would be great in some of the bills in the USA such as having to document changes, mentioning of application neutrality and an initial aim at application neutraility vs net neutrality.

Comment Good, time to kill net neutrality. (Score 1, Interesting) 341

Net neutrality proposals needs to die and quickly.
I like that my ISP can scan my email for spam and remove it, I like that the ISP I use for web hosting blocks traffic from sites that are trying attacks against my web site and I am sure the vast majoity of parents like that their school blocks various web sites that are designed to prey on kids. All of this would be prevented by the various net neutrality bills that have come up; it is good that someone in the U.K. with a technical understanding is reading these proposals.
Once net neutrality is killed we can switch to the family of laws that are need and that is application neutrality. Application Neutrality is the principle that ISP don't have to treat all sites and data on the internet the same but that they have to treat with a same set of rules for all traffic for a application type. ISP should be able to block email or block various web sites and application neutrality allows them to do so provide they filter email the same or block web content by the same set of rules for all sites.

Comment Re:Sanity check (Score 1) 197

But who cares when you're trying to compare network sizes?

They're pointing out that they have the power to shut off or control a large number of devices. Imagine if the GSM LTE protocol was worked such that anything on the network had to be capable of showing an ad from one of the telco's choosings?

It might even work in their favor to be able to target someone repeatedly. It's not about how many eyeballs you get to it's how targeted can you make your ad to the eyeball it does get.

Comment Re:Actual nicotine is also used as a pesticide (Score 1) 217

Actually organic pesticides are far worse. Neonicatines are a family of pesticides that are focused on certain insect types. Nicotine will kill everything and does so very, very good. It will also kill pets, animals, humans, etc which is why modern pesticides are prefered.

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