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Comment Re:Simply Solution, High Minimum Salary for H1B's (Score 2) 262

Isn't that how it already works? The employer has to offer a salary that is above average of what the standard is. Foreign workers on H1-B visas ARE more expensive. But maybe they are willing to work in a lower position than they normally should so all in all they cost less. BTW, I'm someone who missed this year's H1-B quota by a few days myself.

Comment Re:I still don't get it. (Score 1) 445

Perhaps they know they have a problem and are basically cashing in and getting out, while the gettin' is good.

That's exactly what I'm thinking. I just can't believe how many people have been mislead into buying this stock. Well, at least it frees up the money of the investors so they can invest in some other companies.

Comment On the contrary (Score 0) 222

Facebook going public has freed the money of those who have invested in it before it went public. Now these people will have to invest that money again and these imaginary dollars will probably go to high-tech startups again. And I don't believe Silicon Valley is about science, but rather about technologies that make our lives easier. Advanced science has always been and will be done at universities or very large companies.

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