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Comment Re:Time for incest NOW!! (Score 1) 1083

I didn't realize you wanted to fuck your sister so much. You could have been doing this years ago if you live in some of the southern states... after all, their definition of a virgin is a girl who can run faster than her brothers. You go ahead and start working on getting that done, and maybe Rick Santorum can work on getting recognition for him marrying his dog.

Comment Re:The Majority Still Has Follow the Constitution (Score 1) 1083

It was about religious bigots trying to use tyranny of the majority to refuse rights to a minority. Marriage, even defined in the bible, is not just one man/one woman... so you're suggestion that it's some sacrosanct number is bullshit.

What you want to do is define marriage in such a way as to use tyranny of the majority to disenfranchise a group of citizens. There are few things more opposed to the basic foundations of this country than that.

Comment Re:Another great Scalia line (Score 1) 1083

And this is why people think you're an idiot.

Our founding fathers were largely deists. Anyone who can actually read should already know that. While their values as deists isn't in question, their desires for this countries form of government in regards to religion, specifically Christianity, can be seen in the Treaty of Tripol1, article 11.. which was signed by some of the same members that signed the Constitution:

As the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion,-as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion or tranquility of Musselmen,-and as the said States never have entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mehomitan nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.

The 14th amendment is a great vehicle for actually making sure that people don't have their civil rights stripped because of fucking bigots like you. The majority does not get to use tyranny of the majority to strip peolpe of their rights... as much as you assholes want to try. It's unconstitutional, and that's what this court has said. I realize you never met a civic class you could actually pass, and your knowledge about the Constitution, the legal system, and civil rights is on par with what a rock knows about quantum physics, but when you say really stupid fucking partisan idiocy, like you have, you just look really fucking stupid... even when compared to that rock.

Your idea of marriage is like, as i said before, BULLSHIT. There have been all types of marriage, co-habitations, relationships, whatever you want to call them, throughout history.... the only way you can get to "one man, one woman forever" is to be a complete fucking idiot. Marriage in the US gives specific legal rights to the married couple.... The 14th amendment requires that people be treated the same; that states cannot take away peoples rights capriciously... or through tyranny of the majority.

I am constantly amazed by those who scream about tyranny from Obama, when in fact they are the ones trying to use tyranny of the majority to strip peoples rights. What fucking hypocrites.

Comment Re:Another great Scalia line (Score 1) 1083

Because while you may believe you know more about religion than me, you clearly don't know jack shit about the foundation of this country being THE CONSTITUTION.. not YOUR religious preferences. The US is NOT a theocracy. The US was NOT founded on a religion. We have a Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. Our legal system, and laws, were not based on your idea of these 3 great religions. Your religion should never have a damn thing to do with our laws.

Comment Re:Another great Scalia line (Score 1) 1083

Are you fucking stupid, or are you just being a fucking troll?

This country was founded on the Constitution, not some fucked in the head religion of backwards thinking dipshits. Civil rights ARE NOT subject to vote, otherwise we would be justified in voting to have trolls like you to have no rights at all. If you do not understand the premise of unalienable rights, buy a fucking book and read about it. In addition, the US Constitution supersedes state constitutions; if a state enacts a law or amendment that goes against the US Constitution, then that law/amendment cannot be enforced.

As for your bullshit argument that your three religions have always defined marriage a certain way... well, again... BULLSHIT. That argument only works on fucking morons who don't know a thing about their own fucking religion. Here's a good primer for you:

Lastly, you might notice some hostility on my part to religion. If you do, look in the mirror and understand that YOU, and people like YOU, are the cause.

Comment Re:A dark day (Score 2) 591

What's a dark day is when people are incapable of using their brains to see objectively reality. This one line that you have your panties in a knot about is 4 words out of tens of thousands, thousands of which explicitly reference these subsidies being available to everyone. Being a fucking idiot, and focusing on 4 words, when everywhere else those words are shown to have an incorrect LITERAL meaning (although a correct LEGAL in "the state" meaning government), is asinine to the extreme, and a position that only fucking morons would take. I'm sorry you've bought into the teabagger hysteria of lies and deceit; please, grow a fucking brain and use it.

Comment Re:TNSTAAFL (Score 3, Insightful) 272

However, it's still not net neutrality. ATT got busted for fraud basically. They were lying to their customers. Sprint, because of their actions here, are basically admitting that they too were committing fraud, but because ATT got busted and they don't want to, they're going to stop lying to customers; they just needed a scapegoat, which was an easy find because, once again, we have a certain population in this country who HATE the government no matter what.... Sprint simply knew it could jerk their chain and they'd rant, rave, and froth at the mouth voicing their hatred of the government.

Let me fix that for you: "Telecoms could only offer "unlimited" data because it was never truly unlimited, BUT THEY WOULD LIE ABOUT IT SAYING IT WAS."

Comment Re:TNSTAAFL (Score 3, Insightful) 272

Same stupid as fuck strawman argument. Net neutrality is NOT a government take over of the running of telecoms. People who think it is are fucking idiots. As for public highways, maybe you should take a look at how much good those highways have done for this country, and look at how dismal the business climate would be without them... like it used to be.

Comment Re:TNSTAAFL (Score 5, Insightful) 272

And what you say may well be, however you're creating the same stupid as shit argument that dipshits made about the ACA being a government takeover of healthcare.... the net neutrality regulations ARE NOT a government takeover of the running operations of telecoms. Anyone who says it is is full of shit; anyone who believes them is a fucking moron.

EVERY time a government service is privatized, all that does is add an entire layer of costs to the service... businesses call it profit. Medicare plan B was touted as going to be cheaper, with better service over what the government could provide. Within 3 years the costs were more, even with government subsidizing the private companies.. and the companies were cutting services. Why? THEY COULDN'T MAKE A PROFIT.

I was in the army when the Reagan/Bush base closing started happening, and one of the things that they were saying was that by shifting some non-essential functions to private contractors, money was there to be saved. My $600+ a month was dwarfed by the pay of the civilians they brought in to serve chow, which was once simply another thing we had been cycled through taking care of.... thing is, those civilians served chow only, they didn't also have the skill to call arty onto the threat. End results... way more cost. Why? PROFIT.

It truly fucking amazes me that people don't actually have even a beginning inkling of how the fuck businesses work.

Comment Re:Not shared by everyone (Score 0) 637

There are plenty of skeptics who simply think the scientists involved have no good idea how to model the climate and that their attempts are crude at best, dismal at worst.

And the vast majority of those skeptics are functionally scientifically illiterate, yet they think their ignorant, uneducated opinion means as much as these scientists who have been studying in related fields for decades. The problem isn't the scientists, it's the fucking morons that place importance on the ignorant uneducated opinions of dipshits who don't know anything about what they're talking about. That seems to be a common problem in the US.

As for being an alarmist, the whole "destroying the western worlds economy" is just fucking stupid. I'm sure the livery stable hands back in 1900 thought the same thing when dem thar horseless carriages started show'n up takin thar jobs and such....but they were fucking wrong too. Converting to cleaner sources of energy, and changing energy policies would be beneficial all the way around, everywhere from requiring innovation, to better infrastructure planning, a cleaner environment, and fewer health problems.

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