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Comment Re:TNSTAAFL (Score 3, Insightful) 272

However, it's still not net neutrality. ATT got busted for fraud basically. They were lying to their customers. Sprint, because of their actions here, are basically admitting that they too were committing fraud, but because ATT got busted and they don't want to, they're going to stop lying to customers; they just needed a scapegoat, which was an easy find because, once again, we have a certain population in this country who HATE the government no matter what.... Sprint simply knew it could jerk their chain and they'd rant, rave, and froth at the mouth voicing their hatred of the government.

Let me fix that for you: "Telecoms could only offer "unlimited" data because it was never truly unlimited, BUT THEY WOULD LIE ABOUT IT SAYING IT WAS."

Comment Re:TNSTAAFL (Score 3, Insightful) 272

Same stupid as fuck strawman argument. Net neutrality is NOT a government take over of the running of telecoms. People who think it is are fucking idiots. As for public highways, maybe you should take a look at how much good those highways have done for this country, and look at how dismal the business climate would be without them... like it used to be.

Comment Re:TNSTAAFL (Score 5, Insightful) 272

And what you say may well be, however you're creating the same stupid as shit argument that dipshits made about the ACA being a government takeover of healthcare.... the net neutrality regulations ARE NOT a government takeover of the running operations of telecoms. Anyone who says it is is full of shit; anyone who believes them is a fucking moron.

EVERY time a government service is privatized, all that does is add an entire layer of costs to the service... businesses call it profit. Medicare plan B was touted as going to be cheaper, with better service over what the government could provide. Within 3 years the costs were more, even with government subsidizing the private companies.. and the companies were cutting services. Why? THEY COULDN'T MAKE A PROFIT.

I was in the army when the Reagan/Bush base closing started happening, and one of the things that they were saying was that by shifting some non-essential functions to private contractors, money was there to be saved. My $600+ a month was dwarfed by the pay of the civilians they brought in to serve chow, which was once simply another thing we had been cycled through taking care of.... thing is, those civilians served chow only, they didn't also have the skill to call arty onto the threat. End results... way more cost. Why? PROFIT.

It truly fucking amazes me that people don't actually have even a beginning inkling of how the fuck businesses work.

Comment Re:Not shared by everyone (Score 0) 637

There are plenty of skeptics who simply think the scientists involved have no good idea how to model the climate and that their attempts are crude at best, dismal at worst.

And the vast majority of those skeptics are functionally scientifically illiterate, yet they think their ignorant, uneducated opinion means as much as these scientists who have been studying in related fields for decades. The problem isn't the scientists, it's the fucking morons that place importance on the ignorant uneducated opinions of dipshits who don't know anything about what they're talking about. That seems to be a common problem in the US.

As for being an alarmist, the whole "destroying the western worlds economy" is just fucking stupid. I'm sure the livery stable hands back in 1900 thought the same thing when dem thar horseless carriages started show'n up takin thar jobs and such....but they were fucking wrong too. Converting to cleaner sources of energy, and changing energy policies would be beneficial all the way around, everywhere from requiring innovation, to better infrastructure planning, a cleaner environment, and fewer health problems.

Comment Re:The people (Score 2, Insightful) 479

No, it's called reality. People can be as stupid as they fucking want to be... the probem is when completely fucking stupid idiots come to think their ignorant as fuck opinion is the same as reality we have a problem. That is precisely where we are today, and this bullshit is only going to make it worse. These worthless fucks are making sure that their kids will NEVER be able to compete in their lives by keeping them stupider than fuck, and making sure that future generations here in the good old US of Stupidity continue to fall behind the rest of the world.

It's funny how some zealot religious fanatics want to destroy their kids lives, and the future of this country, then complain it's "their choice" to fuck everything up for everyone, but people are being mean to them BECAUSE they're stupid fucking idiots.

You need to quit projecting, pull your head out of ass, and try to make this world better for a change instead of promoting complete fucking stupidity.

Comment Re:You Mean...? (Score 4, Informative) 468

PC dvd players used to (and still do?) allow you to change the region 5 times before locking it permanently to the last one selected.... so your region 1 dvd player could be changed to play region 2 dvd's (but no longer region 1 ones). Good for a couple movies you want to watch once. VLC is a vastly better choice.

Comment Re:Hymen has an opening, a virgin could get pregna (Score 1) 111

While correct, the poster i was replying to somehow has their mind so firmly entrenched in dogma, that the mere mention of "virgin birth" puts him into pure religious bullshit mode. Christianity has created the "virgin birth" myth of God impregnating Mary without banging her, while the actual meaning co-opted from Jewish religious "laws" meant "a virgin at the time of marriage." In all reality, Joeseph musta been one seriously gullible idiot... only way Mary's "God did it" got past her banging and knocked up by the UPS delivery guy on the sly; most gullible EVER.

No game of semantics, just actually responding to a specific post. As for what you said, yes, that is correct, it can happen.... still doesn't mean God's the baby-daddy sans a good banging happening.

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