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Comment Re:Still cheaper than replacing usb cables (Score 1) 190

This does not solve the issue; it is not a problem of insertion/removal. The usb-c or micro-usb sockets get bent internally by the weight and/or the angle of the charging cable, then some internal part just break. This probably only add weight to the cable and thus wear out the socket faster. I just wish that the makers of this crap come to their senses and just use stronger metal in those.

Comment 2 years, never more (Score 1) 393

I have been sifting through mid priced Android phones. HTC, Nokia (HMD), Motorola. I have not been able to keep an Android phone in usable state for more than 2 years. The latest one is a Nokia 7 Plus which charging port was wrecked after a year, send for repair under warranty. Then the jack port failed at 22 months, send for repairs, was not repaired properly, sent back and I borked the sim slot while removing the sim for the 4 th time, then Nokia refused to repair it.
I will either go for a Fairphone or an iPhone 'cause I cannot take this shit anymore...

Comment Not only about code, but in the end, code (Score 1) 136

It has not really been only about code for quite some time. It is about the ability to version easily the code (git), unit tests, being able to add easily new features and have usable tools to create applications, not awful buggy tools. So far, every single magical codeless stack was unable to work around those issues.
Then, when you have your good tools, you enter the kingdom of undefined requirements and wacky business rules. Unless your customer accepts to simplify his/her business rules, you will probably need at least a scripting language to implement and to evolve these. Scripting is code too, unfortunately, and usually, magical codeless or so said stacks have horrendos, untestable, scripting language. Thus you fail, you fail hard.

Comment The web's COBOL (Score 1) 137

PHP while widely hated is not dying anytime soon. It is still pretty much everywhere, just think Wordpress, and with a good linter it is not so bad. It is not your average 200X years PHP, it has good libraries and many of its quirks have been smoothed out or linted out.
What is not so good is that PHP devs are everywhere and AFAIK, the pay is not so great. But I guess that a good PHP dev with up to date skills can probably make his/her own money.

Comment Overly complex tax system (Score 1) 36

In France, a country with one of the most complicated tax system in the world, it takes less than 10 clicks for the average Jane/joe to fill her/his income tax stuff. No crazy software required, there is a nifty official website with nice documentation, tutorials, whatever you need.
TurboTax is not a problem, it is the symptom of a really bad problem in US tax system. Filing for your taxes should not be rocket science and should not require special software unless you have complex investments schemes.

Comment Who gives a damn about Android version? (Score 1) 117

I am sorry, but apart from tech enthusiasts, nobody gives a damn about their phone OS version. It is a line on the spec sheet of the phone, or lost in a god forsaken menu of phones where nobody goes willingly. Their marketers can touch themselves for ages, that does not change the fact that consumers do not give a damn about that.
So yeah, changing the naming scheme is pointless, probably cost millions.

Comment Used to be svn hegemony (Score 2) 42

If it were a closed source tool, it would probably be an evil hegemony but here, where is the harm? And before git, subversion was pretty much everywhere and I never heard it of it as an issue.
We could probably benefit from a more user friendly tool than uber complicated git, still git just works.

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