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Comment Re:Decades late. (Score 1) 276

The problem with the two statements you have listed is that they are too simplified to really encapsulate the situation in a true form. Both statements are true AND false as a result.

The first complaint is usually given when companies/owners want lots of *cheap* labor which requires more people than jobs available such that people are desperate to work and are willing to accept a lower wage. Basically, (1.) is rich people complaining they have to pay the labor force more than they want to.

The second complaint is usually given by the unskilled workers who are concerned they won't be able to earn a living if automation takes many of the jobs they can do thus creating a job shortage. (2.) results in lower wages for the labor force so the larger working class gets the shaft but the ownership class still makes out quite well (they own the robots).

Either one can destabilize civilization if they aren't balanced such that the reduction of jobs due to automation occurs near the rate of population loss. You will continue to hear both arguments as if they are more important though, since the wealthy want more wealth and will want to pay their labor less so they can keep more, and the working class will be concerned with having food, medical care, etc.

Comment Re:I guess the real point of the latest reports is (Score 1) 287

Too true. Unfortunately, some people (*cough*phantomfive*cough*) have been defending the capitol rioters as if what they were doing was noble just because they were fooled into buying into a lie about rigged elections. Being gullible and conned by a conman isn't noble. Pitiable, maybe, but not noble and not pro-democracy.

Comment Re:Arrest the Leader of the Conspiracy (Score 1) 500

Nope. Same argument. I never said violent anti-racism protesters are good or shouldn't be held accountable, that was an incorrect assumption. What I am saying is simply protesting against racism is not in itself bad, and certainly not as bad as interrupting the democratic process just because they wanted to install their 'person' as head of state. Maybe Cmdln Daco was being sarcastic and I missed it. If so, my bad. I have seen people trying to make a legitimate argument that racial protesting is as bad as a attempt to change the results of an election through violence. See, same argument. It might help if you tried to understand other's viewpoints.

Comment Re:Arrest the Leader of the Conspiracy (Score 1) 500

Ah, I see you have run out of any actual rebuttals and thus have resorted to ad-hominem instead. I am pointing out that congress was doing what they were appointed to do as part of our democratic process, they were interrupted, and that was bad. If they had stayed outside and chanted 'stop the count' or whatever, it would be different. But they didn't. And the people who trespassed directly interrupting democracy should be held accountable. Just like any protesters this summer who threw glass bottles at police should be held accountable, but the protesters who simply shouted 'stop racism' have that right and should NOT 'need to be apprehended and reeducated'. Now, do you see the difference? Now, do you see why you are 'disingenuous and intentionally not trying to see reality' and thus arguing in bad faith?

Comment Re: Gotta keep the ruling class warm and cozy (Score 1) 275

I agree survival skills should be taught in schools, along with critical thinking and compassion, but hey, here we are. And yes I am sure many people did cobble together makeshift heaters but that whole 'make a stove and vent outside' could be difficult for people on the 10 floor of a apartment with sealed windows... Also, where are those people going to run a generator?

how to balance risk/reward

Humans are notoriously HORRIBLE at making risk assessments. I think you will see that some people did try to come up with a 'creative'/desperate way to stay warm by running their car and died due to CO. Is that bad parenting or just an uneducated mistake?

when you pack people too close together

That is actually a good source of heat, I see you're on to something!

People suck, and you don't want too many around to get in your way of saving yourself and your family.

With that mindset, you may as well admit people are at least a food source. (In case the sarcasm is missed, cannibalism is actually a bad idea.) Also, do you realize your family is made of people? If you employ a little more compassion, you might realize that other people have families too and you could work together with them to solve problems caused by emergencies WITH them.

Comment Re:Gotta keep the ruling class warm and cozy (Score 1) 275

I can't say I know the exact situation they family of the 11 year old who froze, I would like to point out that all those preparation items you listed cost money. Many families barely have enough money to buy food for the week, let alone for months in reserve. They also may not have anything to burn to keep warm (especially in a safe manner that won't burn the house down). I'm glad you are in a good enough position that you can prepare for a disaster (in redundancy it sounds like), but many people aren't in that good of a position.

I'd also like to point out that, while it was likely an error by the adults in the room to let a child to freeze to death, aren't people who die from hypothermia found in states of undress from where they feel 'warm' and don't realize they themselves are suffering from hypothermia? So maybe they didn't know that if you ask a child if they are ok while they are freezing to death, they might say they are warm enough. If you didn't know better, that's an easy mistake to make.

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