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Comment Re:100% agree (Score 1) 440

I honestly want to know why vendors don't use MSI.

Because there's no good way to make MSI's easily.

On one side, there are probably plenty of GUI apps to make MSI files. A basic one comes with Visual Studio, but you just don't have control enough over what it does. There's InstallShield too, but it's pay-for, and kinda heavyweight.

On the other side, you have WiX which attempted to be a scripting language to make MSI's, but that failed spectacularly IMHO. You have to declare in advance components, paths, files, and assign GUIDs to every single thing, it's a bother. Oh, and, all this, and you don't even have a GUI for your installer, just the "Please wait, Windows is configuring blah blah" dialog.

GUI support in MSI's seems to have been an afterthought.

And don't even get me started about trying to do it from scratch using Orca.

So, by the time I'd be done fighting with whatever restrictions the tool I'd have chosen would put in front of me, I could have whipped an NSIS installer script in 10 minutes with complete Modern UI and such.

Comment Re:Or maybe you're pulling that from your ass (Score 1) 440

7) I'm not going to rename a million files or folders at this point. I'll just live with it and get annoyed.

May I suggest a few things to put in your .inputrc:

set completion-ignore-case on
set show-all-if-ambiguous off
Tab: menu-complete

Basically, this will make it act more like cmd.exe in the respect of completion: just type a few letters, then hit Tab until you got the filename you wanted.

bash's default behavior of beeping as soon as it's not sure annoys the hell out of me.

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