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Comment Re:The true believer (Score 1) 1328

But since it's written down in a special black book, that makes it totally sane and mainstream.

No. It's sane and mainstream because it is a part of the culture.

It is a part of the culture because it made the culture "fitter".

Not evolution per say, but culture changes slowly and a powerful religion certainly gave advantages (in warfare and others) mere centuries ago.

Of course religion still is a part of culture.

Comment If it is important enough to insure... (Score 1) 305

I can understand not insuring it though. I shipped a 1U fully insured. Double boxed w/ foam inserts and all. It arrived at it's destination in a different box. The back was caved in exactly as would be expected if it were gored w/ a forklift. They refused to pay claiming it was "improperly packed".

Always take a picture of box and content before shipping anything.

Comment Laughing all the way to the bank (Score 1) 701

And then he'll announce his new software construction method that can be done by ordinary people with a short period of training for 1/5th what computer programmers make. It works great, but it's boring and repetitive and never creative.

Great! This means we'll be able to write a beautiful piece of software that automates the new software construction method!

(...which is obviously the point of the parent. Are people not even the comments any more, just skimming the first few sentences?)

Comment Copy-Paste advertisement. What the hell? (Score 1) 62

Hijacking an early post, because I am disgusted.

Comparing Chapter 11 reviews:

From TFR:

This final chapter I really enjoyed since I like to play with layouts. The layout module
is bundled as part of SketchUp Pro and is introduced in this final chapter for those who wish to explore the free trial before committing to Pro. You will learn how to bring together SketchUp models and artistic or rendered output into a screen presentation or printed portfolio, adding borders, text and dimensions.

From Amazon:

is bundled as part of SketchUp Pro and is introduced in this final chapter for those who wish to explore the free trial before committing to Pro. You will learn how to bring together SketchUp models and artistic or rendered output into a screen presentation or printed portfolio, adding borders, text and dimensions.

Either awful copy-paste, or awful slashvertisement. I suspect someone with an interest of selling a lot of these books, trying to push favorable reviews as many places as possible.

Comment Re:Let Them (Score 1) 1123

Your post is intelligent.

Conclusion: There will be a lot of mass vigilante efforts in the future. They will cause great damage.

Grandparent states the future to come. People will wear cameras. Police will be recorded. It does not help no matter how intelligent you may make the argument against biased recordings. They're pretty much guaranteed to come.

If the current system cannot handle biased recordings, it will collapse and be replaced. Maybe that is the essence of your post. I think the system of trust will adapt. And I assure you there is no alternative.

Comment Re:reminds me of the patel hotel cartel phenomenon (Score 1) 534

i never understood why columbus made a silly mistake about where he thought he was, and we are STILL calling native residents of north america "indians". completely nonsensical)

Why? Because the phrase "native residents of north america" is overly complicated. Same for "Native americans".

"Indians" as a phrase will live until it is replaced by a more catchy, simpler name. Politically correctness be damned.

Comment Re:Attorney Emails (Score 2, Insightful) 237

Do I think these lawyers are performing what their job requires them to do? In all probablity, yes

Would I quit my job if I was required to perform work I consider detrimental to society? Absolutely.

If a job forces you to behave like scum, you either quit the job, or you are scum.

I respect lavatory cleaning staff far above copyright lawyers.

Comment Err... The exact opposite will happen. (Score 1) 203

assume we pull energy out of it.. the moon will come closer to earth (or reduce it's movement away) - so the total energy supply would be the potential energy of the moon in relation to earths gravity well.

Quite the opposite! The moon will move farther away, faster.

You state this yourself. The earth is slowing down and the moon to move farther away.

Harnessing tidal energy does obviously not reverse the process - it speeds it up. The kites are an additional brake on tidal waves, which will (very slightly) increase the torque on the moon.

The energy source is the earth's rotation.

Comment Origin of the myth: Great Wall of China (Score 1) 286

My car is also visible from space, via Google Map's "satellite view".

Does that make my 1995 Chevy special?

The "visible from space" expression origins in an idea from the space-race era, or possibly earlier works of science fiction. The myth claims that the Great Wall of China is the only man-made structure visible to the naked eye from space.

This is a myth, debunked here:

The idea that something is big because it is visible in a high-resolution satellite photo is (as parent suggests) utterly ridiculous.

Comment PvP could be different - current designs are bad. (Score 1, Insightful) 178

Only a small minority thinks it is fun to kill people in uncontrolled world PvP.

But why is that?

Because they implemented PvP wrong.

Being invaded and killed could have been a thrilling experience. What makes it utterly dull for most people is that your options seems to be:
A) Respawn and die again.
B) Log out.

Imagine a game where lowlevel players that are killed in their home areas would be conscripted as local militia and set to control siege-like defensive installations. Instead of being spawnraped, the lowlevels getting killed would be given immense power - but limited in time and only usable to fight off the invaders.

It's all about creating win/win situations. A lot of people dislike PvP because it turns into repetetive, frustrating gameplay.

That is a design issue.

Comment Efficient = Fragile (Score 1) 284

Efficient is fragile. The unexpected is not factored in.

This also applies to information infrastructure - which is rapidly becoming more and more important.

Deep down, I'm worried about our civilization growing ever-more efficient and interconnected. There is not enough focus on robustness and self-sufficiency.

I predict that we are heading for a big (and utterly unexpected) event that will trigger a cascading collapse.

Just makes me a bit worried from time to time...

Comment Does not apply. (Score 1) 394

Great, what would the Pirate Party have to say about loose nukes or healthcare reform?

Nothing. It would not have to. Read the post you are replying to.

Long before a Pirate Party could get a majority, other parties would start to include their policies. That would probably accomplish their primary goal.

Comment Taxation without representation (Score 2, Insightful) 703

Don't forget the military!

If all you have is imaginary intellectual property, the only way you can really protect it is by force. Well, and trade sanctions, but those won't mean much soon...

Too true, and too tragic considering the birth of the USA as a nation if they should dictate taxes for others to pay and force military action if they refuse.

Though I'm not sure how easy it is to be the #1 military power when more and more manufacturing capability is outsourced.

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