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Comment Re: The eagle flies at midnight (Score 1, Informative) 371

100% agree here. All the douchebags whining about "misinformation" are really whining about "facts I don't like to hear". The only part you left out is how the uncertified drugs have actually killed people. Death rates are highest in the countries with the highest vaccination rates. You want to take the vaccine and it's associated risks with little benefits, be my guest. You want to try to shut me up, good luck on that.

Comment How about we fix bigger issues first? (Score 1, Interesting) 66

I get the angst on AI driven cars and deaths, but they have way less accidents than humans. How about we fix things like copy right law, OEMs intentionally bricking or slowing down devices to force upgrades, and the abuses of digital licenses that take away ownership of products. Yes we can do several things at once, but we can't do many things well at the same time.. Priorities...

Comment Re:Great plan, but it it may be too late to matter (Score 1) 164

I get what you are saying, yes, everyone can't know everything. However, the flip side of this actually well known throughout history..

Famous quote from Thomas Jefferson - the people cannot be all, & always, well informed. the part which is wrong will be discontented in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive; if they remain quiet under such misconceptions it is a lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty.

TJ goes on to say - what country can preserve it's liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? let them take arms. the remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon & pacify them. what signify a few lives lost in a century or two? the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. it is it's natural manure.

Hoping it never comes to that, but easily good. founding fathers knew this. The quotes are from TJ's "Monticello Letters"

Comment Great plan, but it it may be too late to matter (Score 1) 164

While I applaud this position, it seems this kind of common sense is in the minority. A majority of people either want to be shielded from real facts, or distort them to fit their world view and narrative. What's needed here is real news, without much commentary or spin. "man bites dog" is the headline and all we really need to know. "Man bites dog because he thought the dog was a rabid member of X or Y party" is what news has devolved too. Sadly, many people don't want to use their own brain to understand the context. Censorship is wrong regardless if it's government or high tech. Hard to tell the difference between the two of them anyway.

Comment Re: We'll see how reality treats the plan (Score 0) 192

I suppose you mean other silly things like "no more ICE engines after 2030!!" Never mind there's not enough electricity capacity, it comes from mostly non green sources, and then you need major distribution upgrades. Why put all the needed things in place? you can just write a law and make the magic happen??? ignorant fools and willfully corrupt posing as "leaders"...

Comment Re:Does it matter anymore? (Score 1) 10

The camera and other features are much better in Pixel 6 (after having Pixel 4). But the battery life sucks, and the network connection does two... literally the two most important cell phone features. I'm done with Pixel after this 6 dies. It just pretends to be connected to the network a lot of times. Had tech support all over it, but nothing ever improved. Probably worse network on the Pixel 6 than what the 4 had. Having worked for Nokia, long time apple guy, and then many years of android, I'm ready to go back to analog... lmao

Comment Re:We'll see how reality treats the plan (Score 0, Troll) 192

I actually have to give Germany some credit for willingness to face the facts, even if it's only partial. Breaking the news gently so to speak.

Meanwhile we still have foolish leaders in the USA talking about the "green new deal" during an international energy crisis. As a long time EE, I'm totally in favor of green technologies, but they will happen pretty much when they happen. Not because some govt official decrees it and not even if they throw deficit spending towards it. The US govt is completely incompetent at picking winners and good spending. It excels at waste and corruption...

Comment Re:Ironic and Hypocritical (Score 1) 158

It's two completely different statements, and I won't equivocate because both are protected speech under SCOTUS rulings. The 2nd one is covered by the Brandenburg decision. https://www.mtsu.edu/first-ame...

I personally abhor the 2nd statement, but I'd rather be aware what someone is saying. Censoring it with no follow up action just keeps the author and the danger hidden. We can't create a better world by censoring and hiding these kinds of thoughts. If a person doesn't want to subject themselves to these kinds of statements, they don't have join an uncensored app. Freedom of choice and freedom of speech are good things.

I still think Google's actions are primarily motivated by money, but will be couched in "moderation policies," a euphemism for "our censorship is good censorship".

Comment Re:Vehicle safety should not depend on wireless (Score 1) 81

yep, it's a concept and guideline. Very few things are absolute. It very well can be the case that some interesting and valuable safety improvements can only be done via wireless. So my point is more along the lines that wireless should never be the primary path to increase the safety until such time that it's truly ubiquitous and reliable. We're far from that now. I have a dead spot in the nearest shopping plaza to my house here in Austin and so does pretty much every other provider.. it's like a black hole there.. I've also worked in wireless tech my whole life. I'm painfully aware of the limitations...

Comment Ironic and Hypocritical (Score 1) 158

Google in the last 20 years: We should be free to provide uncensored content to China

Google Today: We will not approve your app unless you censor it to our liking

This all actually has to little to do with censorship. It's all financial. Google wants to make money in China and thinks they can make more money in the US by blocking truth social. IMHO

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