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Comment Re:How is this legal? (Score 1) 757

Really? How can I find one of these jurisdictions? Also, if you want to take Motorola to small claims court, can you require that the case be heard in your district, or do you have to go to them to have the case heard? Because last I heard, if you want to sue someone in small claims court, but they live in Utah and you live in California, you have to go to Utah to have the case heard.

Comment Re:Who? (Score 1) 701

Wow. I've just realized that I've been pronouncing his name wrong my whole life. I said it "Knuth" like "rough". To think it took two smart-asses on Slashdot for me to finally get it right. Here is a perfect example of why funny mods should incrase karma.

I keed, I keed.

German Airports Use Bees To Monitor Air Quality 44

The Düsseldorf International Airport and seven other airports in Germany have come up with a unique way of monitoring air quality; they use bees. The airports test the bees' honey twice a year for toxins, and batches that turn up clean are bottled and given away. From the article: "Assessing environmental health using bees as 'terrestrial bioindicators' is a fairly new undertaking, said Jamie Ellis, assistant professor of entomology at the Honey Bee Research and Extension Laboratory, University of Florida in Gainesville. 'We all believe it can be done, but translating the results into real-world solutions or answers may be a little premature.' Still, similar work with insects to gauge water quality has long been successful."

Comment Re:Can't... (Score 1) 680

What utopia do you live in? Do you seriously believe that raising the speed limit will eliminate speeding? If the speed limit were 75 mph on the freeway (average speed of the swarm, from my experience), you honestly believe that these same people would not average over 75? The reason we drive over the limit now isn't because 65 is too slow. It's because driving 10 mph over is a calculated risk. How fast can I drive over the speed limit to improve my travel time while still avoiding being completely fucked in the ass if a cop stops me?

Also, I like how your solution to people breaking a law is to change the law so that people aren't breaking it. That's like saying "dammit, people keep robbing convenience stores and gas stations! Obviously it's the will of the people to rob those places because it keeps happening, so let's make it illegal only if you knock over two convenience stores in a day!"

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