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Comment Re: Not the first (Score 1) 166

Yes, this is a deep hypothermic circulatory arrest. It is however does not help when the cardiac arrest occurs because of the blood loss. The procedure described here is called EPR (emergency preservation and resuscitation) and is a bit more extreme, since it replaces the blood with the saline solution.

Still both are kind of suspended animation

Comment Re:Not the first (Score 1) 166

Sure, but it's hard to freeze a body without damaging it. Unfreezing it can cause more damage, but the initial damage in an unprepped body is mostly due to all the water in the cells expanding, bursting cell walls, and turning everything to mush on a cellular level.

Yes we know that ice crystals are destructive even for a chunk meat. However it is hard to tell how much damage the current cryonics impose on a body and whenever replacing just the water is enough, considering there wasn't a single successful resurrection yet.

Comment Re:Consent? (Score 5, Informative) 166

It is right in TFA:

The trial was given the go-ahead by the US Food and Drug Administration. The FDA made it exempt from needing patient consent as the participants’ injuries are likely to be fatal and there is no alternative treatment. The team had discussions with the local community and placed ads in newspapers describing the trial, pointing people to a website where they can opt out.

Comment Re:Not the first (Score 4, Insightful) 166

It is not that hard to freeze a body. People do it all the time. The problem is to unfreeze and bring it back to life. Also I think you didn't read TFA, because in the article they are not freezing a dead body, but cooling a living one down to slow down brain and cell activity to extend time they have for a surgery.

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